U fokusu / In focus
Er Srbija je u susret proslavi 10 godina postojanja otpočela proces redizajna uniformi za kabin- sku i letačku posadu, a svoje ideje su bili pozvani da predstave svi vode- ći dizajneri regiona. Za izbor novog vizuelnog identiteta celokupne le- tačke i kabinske posade nacionalne avio-kompanije izabrana je dizajner- ka Milena Bojić, koja je uniformama udahnula asimetričnu, modernu ele- ganciju, istovremeno čvrsto zasno- vanu na temeljima tradicije, što se najbolje vidi u šarmantnim etno-de- taljima na pojasu i marami.
On the eve of celebrations marking its 10 th anniversary, Air Serbia launched the process of rede- signing its cabin and flight crews uni- forms, inviting all the leading desi- gners to present their ideas. Designer Milena Bojić was chosen to crea- te the new visual identity of the nati- onal airline’s entire crew, and she im- bued the uniforms with asymmetrical and modern elegance, while simulta- neously standing firmly on foundati- ons of tradition, as can best be seen in the charming ethnic details of the belt and scarf. For starters, how did you see Air Serbia; which associations spilled over into the design? “The very question of what the company means to us followed us throughout the entire process. The question was what we want to ac- centuate, in what are we comple- mentary? Reliability, precision, tradi- tion! That was our main association with Air Serbia as a brand, and ru- nning through it all is also a sense of pride over the fact that we are among the rare countries that have mana- ged to preserve their national airline. When the mix of elegance, distinct- ness and attention to detail that we nurture as a brand is added to all that, we’ve already partially defined the di- rection of further development. And yes, asymmetry!” What did you want to accentu- ate; what kind of impression to leave on passengers? “We were primarily focused on satisfying the crew who would wear the uniforms, in the sense of comfort, quality of materials and design. We view the established design as a fu- sion of tradition and experience with modern forms. We also believe that the passengers will be able to inter- pret the message that we are trying to convey, and that’s the “homely host” atmosphere that the company nurtures and that we portray throu- gh ethnic elements, but also the fee- ling of assuredness and reliability, be- cause that’s actually the mission of everyone who dons this uniform. We are certainly joyously looking forward to every interpretation and impressi- on on the part of passengers.”
Pojas i maramu, koji su okosnica celokupnog dizajna, izradili smo koristeći etno- motive i logotip same kompanije, koji su se savršeno uklopili
Tradicija i iskustvo u modernim formama Tradition and experience in modern forms Er Srbija u novim uniformama Air Serbia crew in new uniforms
Pouzdanost, preciznost, tradicija! To su kreatorki Mileni Bojić bile glavne asocijacije na Er Srbiju kao brend, kroz sve to se pomalo provukao i osećaj ponosa, a rezultat su fantastične nove uniforme kabinske i letačke posade / Reliability, precision, tradition! They were fashion designer Milena Bojić’s main associations with Air Serbia as a brand, and running through it all she also included a sense of pride, and the result are fantastic cabin and flight crew.
We made the belt and scarf, which form the backbone of the entire design, using ethnic motifs and the logo of the company itself, which fit together perfectly
Za početak, kako ste videli Er Srbiju, koje asocijacije su se prelile u dizajn? – Samo pitanje šta kompani- ja znači za nas pratilo nas je kroz či- tav proces. Pitanje je bilo šta želimo da istaknemo, u čemu smo komple- mentarni. Pouzdanost, preciznost, tradicija! To je bila naša glavna aso- cijacija na Er Srbiju kao brend, a kroz sve to se pomalo provlači i osećaj ponosa što smo jedna od retkih dr- žava koje su uspele da očuvaju naci- onalnu avio-kompaniju. Kada se na sve to doda miks elegancije, oštrine
Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Er Srbija
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