Na letu
On board
Zašto volite avione?
Why do you like planes?
Inspiracija za stihove mi doleti dok letim / Inspiration for lyrics flies to me as I fly
Kiki Lesendrić, muzičar / musician
– Mnogo je razloga zašto volim avione. Najpre i zato što ži- vim na relaciji Atina–Beograd, a avi- on je način da mi ta dva grada budu bliže. Inače, avione obožavam od de- tinjstva, kada sam sakupljao makete aviona. Imao sam sve modele! Sada naj- češće sakupljam uspomene na letovi- ma za Atinu. Šta uvek nosite sa sobom u avion? – Koristim priliku da čitam sve što ne stižem na zemlji, pa ponesem knji- gu, novine, a rado čitam i „Elevejt“ u avionima Er Srbije. Ponekad mi je in- spiracija i tišina u avionu, pa smislim i poneku reč za pesmu. Naravno, tu je telefon, od njega se ne odvajam. “There are a multitude of reasons why I like planes . First and foremost, it’s because I live between Athens and Belgrade, and a plane is a way for me to bring those two cities closer to- gether. I’ve otherwise adored planes since childhood, when I collected model aircraft. I had all the models! I now mostly collect my reminiscences on flights to Athens.” What do you always carry with you aboard a plane? “I take the opportunity to read everything that I don’t have time to read on the ground, so I bring with me a book, a newspaper, and I also happily read Ele- vate aboard Air Serbia flights. I’m some- times also inspired by the silence on the plane, so I think of the odd word for a song. Of course, there’s also my phone, which I don’t part with.”
Ko je Kiki Rođen je 1962. godine u Beogradu. Ističe da i danas svira, peva i snima s istim žarom. Grupu „Piloti“ osno- vao je 1980. Postigli su veli- ki uspeh na Balkanu, pogo- tovo osamdesetih, koje je obeležila pesma „Kao pti- ca na mom dlanu“. Sa pu- blikom će 3. novembra u beogradskoj „MTS dvorani“ koncertom proslaviti 42 go- dine pop biografije starim, ali i novim hitovima s po- slednjeg CD-a „Mali trago- vi na nebu“. Who is Kiki Born in Belgrade in 1962, he notes that he still plays, sings and records with the same enthusiasm to this very day. He founded the group Piloti [Pilots] in 1980. They achieved great suc- cess across the Balkans, particularly during the ‘80s, which the band marked with the song Kao ptica na mom dlanu [Like a Bird in the Palm of my Hand]. He will celebrate 42 years of his pop music career with a concert at Belgrade’s MTS Hall on 3 rd November, per- forming old and new hits from his latest CD Ma- li tragovi na nebu [Little Trac- es in the Sky].
Tekst / Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije / Photography: Nemanja Jovanović
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