Destinacija Destination
Pored aviona „erbas A330-200“ sa likom Nikole Tesle, nacionalna avio-kompanija do Njujorka leti i „erbasom A330-200“ sa likom Mihajla Pupina
In addition to the Airbus A330-200 with the image of Nikola Tesla, the national airline also flies to New York with the Airbus A330-200 sporting the image of Mihajlo Pupin
Na mestu gde su nekad stajale dve zgrade Svetskog trgovinskog centra sada stoji samo jedna „One World“ zgrada, koja pomoću glatke fasade hotela preko puta ipak čini sećanje živim. Where once stood the two World Trade Center towers now stands the singular One World tower, which through a reflection off a nearby hotel helps keep the memory alive.
Slične zgrade sa velike distance i pomoću zapadnog vetra pomeraju svetlo i senke dovoljno brzo da može da se uhvati dobra kombinacija tamnog i svetlog, čime se svaka od tih sličnih zgrada ipak razaznaje. Similar buildings which from a distance, and with the help of westerly winds, move light and shadows fast enough that you can capture the combination you like and help differentiate the structures.
Novi soliter u Bruklinu blizu je obale Ist rivera i, ne slučajno, liči na jedro, ali se takođe lako uklapa sa ogradom sličnih vizuelnih ideja koje se dijagonalno ponavljaju i stvaraju neki novi vizuelni prostor. Overlooking the East River, a new building in Brooklyn is reminiscent of a ship’s sail, embraced by a fence that shares both a similar vertical anchor and some of its repeating patterns, thereby creating a new visual space.
This photography collection seeks poetry and portraiture in New York City architecture, seen as sculptural studies of the modern everyday and offered as a shared public experience interpreted as intimate portraits of contemporary monuments T he diverse assortment of New York City architecture is transformed into a precise visual lexicon by domesticating these im- mutable structures, reimagining their cer- tainty and permanence with a delightful am- biguity: the familiar becomes unfamiliar, disconnected buildings combine, as New York City becomes more surreal, magical and accessible in a whole new way.
Ova kolekcija fotografija pronalazi poeziju i portrete u arhitekturi Njujorka, ophodeći se prema urbanoj sredini najvećeg grada Amerike kao prema skulpturama moderne svakodnevice i apstraktnim spomenicima savremenog sveta Š irok dijapazon njujorške arhitekture preta- pa se u precizni vizuelni leksikon koji nam je nešto više topao i pitom: svakodnevica postaje nešto novo, poznate zgrade nam postaju nepoznate, nepovezane zgrade se sklapaju, gube se dimenzije i red veličina, a ceo Nju- jork postaje pomalo nadrealan, čaroban i pristupa- čan na sasvim drugi način...
Okom fotografa koji vidi ono što drugima promiče Through the eyes of a photographer who sees what others miss Poezija i portreti njujorške arhitekture / Poetry and Portraiture in New York City Architecture
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Tekst / Words: Nikola Olić Fotografije / Photography: Nikola Olić
98 | Njujork » New York
New York » Njujork | 99
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