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Liberals or the Conservatives on whatever was the hot issue,” Donnelly said, regarding his past voting habits, adding that the Liber- tarian philosophy promotes greater individual freedom but also demands greater personal responsibility. “Responsibility and liberty go together,” he said. “The purpose of government is to protect you, not to operate you or to control you.” Donnelly the candidate This year’s provincial election isn’t the first time Donnelly has campaigned as a Libertarian candidate. He first waved the gold banner for the party as a federal candidate in


There will be at least one other candi- date for voters to choose from on the ballot when the provincial election polls open in Glengarry-Prescott-Russell in early June. Darcy Neal Donnelly will represent the Ontario Libertarian Party as an alternate choice to the Liberal and Progressive Conservative candidates. Donnelly, 57, is a Fournier resident who was born and raised in Cheney, near

Hammond. He works as a short- and long-haul trucker GPS.JLFT8BTUFJO7BOLMFFL Hill. “I haul recyclables,” Don- nelly said, smiling, during a morning interview over the

the Stormont-Dundas- Glengarry riding and got 151 votes. /PXIFTSVOOJOH as a provincial can- didate in his home riding of Glengarry-

“I’m doing this to protect my kids and their future.”

March 25 weekend. “I’m doing this (cam- paign) to protect my kids and their future.” The Libertarian political philosophy calls for individual freedom and responsibility with the least amount of government control or interference as necessary. Donnelly, who studied business administration in college, became a convert to the philosophy in 2011. “I was switching my vote between the

Prescott-Russell. His primary goal, as he spends weekends on his door-knocking campaign, is to boost local voter awareness about Libertarianism in general and the Ontario Libertarian Party (OLP) in particular. “I would like to get a thousand votes,” he said, adding that his party has built up its political presence at a slow, steady pace since 2011.

Darcy Neal Donnelly représentera le Parti libertarien de l’Ontario, en tant que choix alternatif pour les électeurs de Glengarry-Prescott-Russell aux candidats libéraux et progressistes-conservateurs. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

The Hawkesbury and District General Hospital (HGH) is a family and paƟent-centred bilingual community hospital with a regional focus. Our team of more than 125 physicians and 700 employees is commiƩed to excellence in healthcare and relies on teamwork, innovaƟon and leadership. HGH will become a full-service regional hospital by 2020 and provide more specialty services, closer to home. RECRUITMENT—BOARD OF DIRECTORS Represent your community as a member of the Board of Directors of the HGH The HGH Board of Directors is seeking candidates to fill vacant posiƟons. The successful candidates: x want tobe involved in representing the interests of the community servedbyHGH; x demonstrateongoing community engagement; x havegovernanceexperienceonother boards. HGH Board members must reside in the United CounƟes of PrescoƩ and Russell, the Township of North Glengarry or in the broader Champlain region as defined by the Local Health System IntegraƟon Act, 2006. If you are interested in a volunteer posiƟon on a dynamic Board of Directors commiƩed to represent its community, please forward your curriculum vitae by email to: Jo-anne Laviolette

L’Hôpital général de Hawkesbury et district (HGH) est un hôpital communautaire bilingue, à vocaƟon régionale, axé sur le paƟent et sa famille. Notre équipe de plus de 125 médecins et 700 employés est dévouée à l’excellence en soins de santé et mise sur le travail d’équipe, l’innovaƟon et le leadership. L’HGH deviendra un centre hospitalier régional à service complet d’ici 2020 et offrira plus de services spécialisés, plus près du domicile. RECRUTEMENT—CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRATION Représentez votre communauté en siégeant au conseil d’administraƟon de l’HGH Le conseil d’administraƟon de l’HGH est à la recherche de candidats qui: x désirent s’impliquer à titrede représentants de la communautédesservie par l’HGH; x démontrent unengagement communautaire soutenu; x ont acquis de l’expérienceengouvernanceau seind’autres conseils. Les membres du conseil d’administraƟon de l’HGH doivent être résidents des Comtés unis de PrescoƩ et Russell, du canton de Glengarry Nord ou demeurer dans la grande région de Champlain tel que défini dans la Loi de 2006 sur l’intégraƟon du système de santé local . Si un poste de bénévole au sein d’un conseil d’administraƟon engagé à bien représenter sa communauté vous intéresse, veuillez faire parvenir votre curriculum vitae par courriel à: Jo-anne Laviolette Présidente, Comité des candidatures et de la formaƟon Hôpital général de Hawkesbury et district

Chair, NominaƟng and EducaƟon CommiƩee Hawkesbury and District General Hospital

Veuillez soumeƩre votre candidature avant 16 h le 25 avril 2018. Pour toute quesƟon, vous pouvez communiquer avec Jo-anne LavioleƩe au 613-298-0770 ou

Your candidacy must be submiƩed before 4:00 p.m. on April 25, 2018. For quesƟons, please contact Jo-anne LavioleƩe at 613-298-0770 or

« Prior to becoming a member of the HGH Board of Directors, I knew very liƩle of the health system. Today I realize the many contribuƟons that a person can make to improve health services in the region by serving on the HGH Board. »

« Avant de m’engager à Ɵtre de membre du CA de l’HGH, je connaissais très peu du milieu de la santé. Aujourd’hui, je réalise toute la contribuƟon qu’une personne peut apporter à l’amélioraƟon des services de santé de la région en siégeant au conseil d’administraƟon de l’HGH. » Jo-anne LavioleƩe, résidente du Village de Casselman Membre du CA—2012 à ce jour « L’accès aux soins de santé est très important en milieu rural. Je fais parƟe du conseil de l’HGH parce que je tenais à faire connaître les services de notre hôpital à la grandeur de PrescoƩ-Russell. » Laurent Souligny, résident de la Municipalité de La NaƟon Membre du CA—2012 à ce jour

Jo-anne LavioleƩe, Resident of the Village of Casselman Member of the HGH Board of Directors —2012 to date

« Access to healthcare is very important in rural areas. I joined the HGH Board because I want to make known the services of our hopsital to the enƟre PrescoƩ-Russell region. »

Laurent Souligny, Resident of The NaƟon Municipality Member of the HGH Board of Directors—2012 to date

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