Ad Hoc Committee on Administrative Policies Procedures and Resolutions (CAPP-R)
Situation: The Administrative Policies and Procedures have been amended over many years and have become more complex and perhaps outdated, then necessary. Additionally, there is a desire to incorporate the Committee’s Policy into the document to eliminate any redundancies. Furthermore, the Resolutions have been put in place over several years and have not been reviewed to see if they are still valid or need to be eliminated, revised or replaced. Target: A streamlined, simplified, comprehensive and updated set of administrative policies and procedures as well as resolutions. Proposal: Form a team to review each section of the current Admin Policies and Procedures, incorporate the Committees Policy and review the Resolutions. Each section will be assigned one leader to address those specific sections and resolutions. They will draft any revised verbiage and forward to Jennifer Miranda for incorporation into a draft master document. Once the draft it complete, it will be forwarded to every member for final input. Meetings will be held via zoom as needed. One person will be assigned to review the Resolutions and report findings to the overall ad hoc committee for input.
Following is my recommendation for section leads.
Proposed Ad Hoc Committee on Administrative Policies and Procedures and Resolutions:
Section 1, Board and Management Policies – Greg (6 Pages) Section II, Finance and Accounting – Charlie (12 Pages) Section III, Renters and Guest Services – Greg (2 Pages) Section IV, Miscellaneous Policies – Tobi Perkins (5 Pages) Section V, Administration and Enforcement – Tobi Perkins
Resolutions – Mike Barber
• Each leader will determine who, if anyone, they would like to have join them in reviewing and drafting any recommended revisions. As an example, I will be asking Ed to work with me on the sections for which I am listed as the lead. Charlie may want to include someone from the Finance Committee, such as Doug German, to assist in reviewing/revising his section. • Each leader will receive their section, as it currently reads, in a word document • “Track Changes” should be turn on so that we can see what changes were made to the original verbiage • When the leader feels the document is “ready”, they will submit it to Jennifer for inclusion into the master document
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