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HEATING OIL • DIESEL GASOLINE • LUBRIFICANTS ST-PIERRE FUELS INC. Bonne fête du Canada! /Happy Canada Day! 6069 County Road 34, RR1, Lancaster ON KOC1N0 Tel.: 613-347-3407 •

CASSELMAN 738 rue Principale St. Box 58 Casselman, ON K0A 1M0


Les restrictions relatives au COVID-19 seront encore assouplies en Ontario mercredi, en raison de l’augmentation de la vaccination. — photo d’archives

ROCKLAND 2617 rue Laurier St. Rockland, ON K4K 1A3



capacity of the hosting room. The second stage of the province’s re- opening plan was initially due to begin on July 2, but was moved forward due to the “provincewide vaccination rate now surpass- ing the targets” set in the plan, according to a government statement. Ontario needed to have vaccinated 70 percent of the popula- tion with a first dose and 20 percent with a second dose for at least two weeks. *OUIF&BTUFSO0OUBSJP)FBMUI6OJU &0)6  more than 167,515 vaccines have been administered so far. More than 50 percent of all age groups except under 20s have received at least their first dose of vaccine. The third stage of the reopening plan is expected to begin at least three weeks after the start of stage two. In order for stage three to begin, between 70 and 80 percent of adults must have received their first dose of the vaccine, with 25 percent receiving both doses. The third stage will allow increased capac- ity for outdoor gatherings, and the expansion of indoor venues permitted to reopen.

Indoor gatherings, greater capacity in stores, and haircuts will be allowed in Ontario this week as the province moves into stage two of the government’s re- opening plan. From Wednesday, indoor gatherings of up to five people will be allowed, as will outdoor gatherings of up to 25. Personal care services, such as hairdressers, will also be allowed to reopened at 25 percent capacity and provided face masks could be worn at all times. Other outdoor venues, including outdoor concert venues, theatres and cinemas, horse tracks and speedways, sporting venues, fairs, rural exhibitions, and festivals would also be permitted at 25 percent capacity. Outdoor team sports with no contact or modified to avoid contact would be allowed with restrictions, though no upper limit was placed on the number of participants. Indoor religious services, as well as weddings and funerals, would be allowed at 25 percent

Bonne fête du Canada!

Happy Canada Day!

Here for you and proud to serve you! Ici pour vous et fière de vous servir!

Bonne fête du Canada! Je vous souhaite une journée festive et sécuritaire pour souligner avec vos proches tout ce qu’il y a de beau et de bon au Canada. Que les valeurs de respect, d’inclusion et d’accueil de la diversité caractérisent ce 1 er juillet et toutes les journées

1100, rue Aberdeen Street, C.P. / P.O. Box 1000, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3H1 1-800-267-0850 Fax.: 613-632-6383 Publié le jeudi par • Published on Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

de l’année! Continuons à bâtir ensemble la nation forte et bienveillante à laquelle nous aspirons tous et toutes.

Bertrand Castonguay Président • President Yvan Joly Directeur des ventes Sales director MYLÈNE DESCHAMPS Rédactrice en chef francophone French Editor-in-Chief STEPHEN JEFFERY Rédacteur en chef anglophone English Editor-in-Chief Gilles Normand Dir. Production et Distribution Mgr. Marco Blais, Carl Lalonde Infographie et prépresse / Layout & Prepress Publicité • Advertising:

HappyCanada Day! Wishing you a safe and festive day to celebratewith your loved ones all that is beautiful and good in Canada. May the values of respect and inclusion characterize this July 1 st and all days of the year! Let’s continue to work

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together to build the strong and caring nationwe all aspire ourcountry to be.

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