University of East London - Assistant Project Manager




Job Title:

Assistant Project Manager


Estates & Facilities Management



To assist the Projects Manager in the identification, planning and delivery of construction related projects across the Estate. Assist in producing detailed building survey reports, as direct- ed, across the whole of the estate. This will include the identification, procurement and appointment of various specialist consultants, as and when required. Support the production quality reports and tender documenta- tion for the engagement of con- sultants and contractors in ac- cordance with procedures, levels of delegated authority and finan- cial control/audit requirements, as requested. Ensure that assigned budgets and resources are managed in a professional and correct man- ner and do not exceed the set amounts, highlighting any con- straints to management as nec- essary. Support the supervision of ex- ternal consultants, project teams and contractors for a number of individual and concurrent pro- jects. Participate in post project and occupancy reviews as required for all projects. Conduct site and handover meetings, recording all nec-

essary information and corre- spondence. Obtain all necessary approvals, both within UEL and all necessary statutory/other ap- provals, to ensure continuous de- velopment of estate projects. Act on behalf of the Project Man- ager either as directed or in their absence, with regard to capital projects within delegated au- thority limits. Attend committee; sub-committee; working group; departmental; office meetings as required. Contribute to the monitoring of the Directorate’s performance through the collection, collation and analysis of primary and sec- ondary data related to the es- tate, including the buildings and grounds for all campuses. Ensur- ing the data is maintained up-to- date to enable key performance indicators to be monitored. Support the development and maintenance of the Project Team’s policies and procedures. Work with the Space Planning Manager in the regular updating of the CAD drawings of the entire UEL estate including landscaped areas and buildings. Undertake such other duties at a comparable level of responsibil- ity that may be allocated by the Project Manager / Programme

Manager or the Director of the service. To work in accordance with our Equality and Diversity policies.


University-wide Project Manager

Responsible to:

Liaison with:

Deans of Schools and Directors of Services; Local Authorities; Consultants and Contractors; UEL staff at all levels.

Health and Safety: •

To work in a safe and healthy manner always ensuring statuto- ry and university health and safe- ty requirements are complied with at all times; Manage projects in accordance with statutory health and safety requirements and in particular construction, design and mainte- nance regulations.

ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY OF EAST LONDON: The University of East London has been pioneering futures since 1898: from the 2nd Industrial Revolution through to where we are now, the 4th. We are a careers-led university, dedicated to supporting our students to develop the skills, emotional intelligence and creativity needed to thrive in a constantly changing world. Vision 2028 has been developed to transform our curriculum, pedagogy, research impact and partnerships to make a positive difference to student, graduate and community success. Our ambitious but achievable goal is to become the leading careers-focused, enterprising university in the UK, one which both prepares our students for the jobs of the future and provides the innovation to drive that future sustainably and inclusively. THE DEPARTMENT: The Projects & Estates Development Team (PED) are a part of the Estates & Facilities Directorate at the University of East London. The PED team is a diverse customer focused team dealing with the project lifecycle of project management for numerous developments, new-build and refurbishment pro- jects across the university estate. The Department consists of; 1 x Director, 2 x Project Managers, 2 x Assistant Project Managers, 1 x Space Manager and 1 x Assistant Space Planner. PED is also supported by other Delivery Partners in the University such as; Health & Safety, Facilities, Maintenance, Procurement, Finance and Sustainability.

Sustainability: The Estates and Facilities service aims to be an exemplar in the way it embraces sustainability and meets its corporate social responsibility. To achieve this, it is the responsibility of all staff to minimise the environmen- tal impact of their day-to-day activi- ties and adhere to University policies on sustainability, waste, resource us- age and governance.

Other: •

To demonstrate commitment to the services mission statement, goals and values on a daily basis; To carry out from time to time any other duties within the com- petence of the jobholder, that may be reasonably required.

To support the management of numerous estates related projects across the UEL portfolio, the Assistant Project Manager will work to ensure the timely, ef- ficient and cost-effective delivery of building surveying/project management services, relating to the University’s estates and facilities policy. The post will be subject to a structured development & training programme to ensure that the post-holder is mentored and provided with opportunities to enhance their knowledge and experience to enable progression. Supervision will be via a Project manager as a part of the university’s estab- lished staff development and appraisal procedure.

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