Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan


Wake County will build upon the success of its past efforts to become more resilient and adaptable to hazards, embrace the need to manage growth with sustainable practices, and make intentional, coordinated decisions that maximize long-term and shared benefits for all. The following key principles underpin this vision and describe how the HMPC hopes to characterize the future of Wake County. In many cases, the County and its incorporated jurisdictions already operate with these principles in mind. Resilient & Adaptable : Wake County will be able to quickly react to and recover from hazard events and will use both the development and post-disaster redevelopment processes to reduce existing vulnerabilities and future potential risk, including through identification and planning for vulnerable populations. Sustainable : From an environmental mindset, Wake County will protect key ecological resources, and from a resource and efficiency perspective, the county will use administrative and financial resources in ways that maximize and share benefits. Intentional : Wake County will address growth and development decisions by considering long-term outcomes, seeking opportunities for mitigation, minimizing risk and vulnerability, and implementing mitigation projects that can be scaled up or shared with other jurisdictions, if successful. Coordinated : Wake County will integrate planning efforts across departments and across incorporated jurisdictions to ensure that goals and decisions reinforce each other. Additionally, jurisdictions will work together to address issues on larger scales, such as a watershed or ecosystem level.



This plan is an update to the 2015 Wake County Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, which included participation from all jurisdictions involved in this plan update. The previous plan was approved by FEMA on January 28, 2015. This hazard mitigation plan update involved a comprehensive review and update of each section of the existing plan and an assessment of the success of the County and participating municipalities in evaluating, monitoring and implementing the mitigation strategy outlined in their existing plans. Only the information and data still valid from the existing plans was carried forward as applicable into this update. The following requirements were addressed during the development of this regional plan:

 Consider changes in vulnerability due to action implementation;  Document success stories where mitigation efforts have proven effective;  Document areas where mitigation actions were not effective;  Document any new hazards that may arise or were previously overlooked;  Incorporate new data or studies on hazards and risks;  Incorporate new capabilities or changes in capabilities;  Incorporate growth and development-related changes to inventories; and  Incorporate new action recommendations or changes in action prioritization.

Section 4.2 provides a comparison of the hazards addressed in the 2018 State of North Carolina HMP and the existing Wake County plan and provides the final decision made by the HMPC as to which hazards should be included in the updated 2020 Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Plan. In addition to the specific changes in hazard analyses identified in Section 4.2, the following items were also addressed in this 2020 plan update:

Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2019


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