Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan - Adopted 10-21-2024


can result in higher loss of life, both human and animal, than slower developing river and stream flooding.

In certain areas, aging storm sewer systems are not designed to carry the capacity currently needed to handle the increased storm runoff. Typically, the result is water backing into basements, which damages mechanical systems and can create serious public health and safety concerns.

Localized flooding may be caused by the following issues:

• Inadequate Capacity – An undersized/under capacity pipe system can cause water to back-up behind a structure which can lead to areas of ponded water and/or overtopping of banks. • Clogged Inlets – Debris covering the asphalt apron and the top of grate at catch basin inlets may contribute to an inadequate flow of stormwater into the system. Debris within the basin itself may also reduce the efficiency of the system by reducing the carrying capacity. • Blocked Drainage Outfalls – Debris blockage or structural damage at drainage outfalls may prevent the system from discharging runoff, which may lead to a back-up of stormwater within the system. • Improper Grade – Poorly graded asphalt around catch basin inlets may prevent stormwater from entering the catch basin as designed. Areas of settled asphalt may create low spots within the roadway that allow for areas of ponded water. FLOODING AND FLOODPLAINS In the case of riverine flooding, the area adjacent to a channel is the floodplain, as shown in Figure 4.18. A floodplain is flat or nearly flat land adjacent to a stream or river that experiences occasional or periodic flooding. It includes the floodway, which consists of the stream channel and adjacent areas that carry flood flows, and the flood fringe, which are areas covered by the flood, but which do not experience a strong current. Floodplains are made when floodwaters exceed the capacity of the main channel or escape the channel by eroding its banks. When this occurs, sediments (including rocks and debris) are deposited that gradually build up over time to create the floor of the floodplain. Floodplains generally contain unconsolidated sediments, often extending below the bed of the stream. Figure 4.18 – Characteristics of a Floodplain

In its common usage, the floodplain most often refers to that area that is inundated by the “100 -year flood,” which is the flood that has a 1% chance in any given year of being equaled or exceeded. The 500 - year flood is the flood that has a 0.2 percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The potential for flooding can change and increase through various land use changes and changes to land surface, which result in a change to the floodplain. A change in environment can create localized flooding problems inside and outside of natural floodplains by altering or confining natural drainage

Wake County, NC Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan

WSP June 2024 Page 126

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