Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan


comprehensive plan that ties into and supports other community programs. As detailed in Table 2.3, the development of this plan incorporated information from existing plans, studies, reports, and initiatives as well as other relevant data from neighboring communities and other jurisdictions. These and other documents were reviewed and considered, as appropriate, during the collection of data to support the planning process and plan development, including the hazard identification, vulnerability assessment, and capability assessment. Data from these sources was incorporated into the risk assessment and hazard vulnerability sections of the plan as appropriate. The data was also used in determining the capability of each jurisdiction to implement certain mitigation strategies. The Capability Assessment can be found in Section 5. Table 2.3 – Summary of Existing Studies and Plans Reviewed

Resource Referenced

Use in this Plan

Local Comprehensive Plans (Wake County Comprehensive Plan, City of Raleigh 2030 Comprehensive Plan, etc.) Local Ordinances (Flood Damage Prevention Ordinances, Subdivision Ordinances, Zoning Ordinances, etc) Triangle Regional Resilience Partnership Resilience Assessment Wake County and Incorporated Areas Flood Insurance Study (FIS), Revised 11/17/2017 Wake County Multi- Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, 2015

The Wake County Plan and City of Raleigh Plan were referenced in the Planning Area Profile in Section 3. Other local comprehensive plans were incorporated into Mitigation Action Plans where applicable in Section 7 and referenced in the Capability Assessment in Section 6. Local ordinances were referenced in the Capability Assessment in Section 6 and where applicable for updates or enforcement in Mitigation Action Plans in Section 7.

The Technical Report was used in the preparation of the HIRA and referenced in hazard profiles in Section 4.

The FIS was referenced in the preparation of flood hazard profile in Section 4. The previous plan was referenced in compiling the Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment in Section 4 and in reporting on implementation status and developing the Mitigation Action Plans in Section 2 and Section 7, respectively.

2.3.2 Phase II – Risk Assessment Planning Steps 4 and 5: Identify/Assess the Hazard and Assess the Problem

The HMPC completed a comprehensive effort to identify, document, and profile all hazards that have, or could have, an impact on the planning area. Geographic information systems (GIS) were used to display, analyze, and quantify hazards and vulnerabilities. A draft of the risk and vulnerability assessment was made available on the plan website for the HMPC, stakeholders, and the public to review and comment. The HMPC also conducted a capability assessment to review and document the planning area’s current capabilities to mitigate risk from and vulnerability to hazards. By collecting information about existing government programs, policies, regulations, ordinances, and emergency plans, the HMPC could assess those activities and measures already in place that contribute to mitigating some of the risks and vulnerabilities identified. A more detailed description of the risk assessment process and the results are

included in Section 4 Risk Assessment. 2.3.3 Phase III – Mitigation Strategy Planning Steps 6 and 7: Set Goals and Review Possible Activities

Wood facilitated brainstorming and discussion sessions with the HMPC that described the purpose and process of developing a vision for the planning process and setting planning goals and objectives, a

Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2019


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