Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan


• Participate in the process as part of the HMPC; • Detail where within the planning area the risk differs from that facing the entire area; • Identify potential mitigation actions; and • Formally adopt the plan. For the Wake County HMPC, “participation” meant the following:

Providing facilities for meetings;

 Attending and participating in the HMPC meetings;  Collecting and providing requested data (as available);  Completing the Local Capability Self-Assessment;  Providing an update on previously adopted mitigation actions;  Managing administrative details;  Making decisions on plan process and content;  Identifying mitigation actions for the plan;  Reviewing and providing comments on plan drafts;  Informing the public, local officials, and other interested parties about the planning process and providing opportunity for them to comment on the plan;  Coordinating and participating in the public input process; and  Coordinating the formal adoption of the plan by local governing bodies. Detailed summaries of HMPC meetings are provided under Meetings and Workshops, including meeting dates, locations, and topics discussed. During the planning process, the HMPC members communicated through face-to-face meetings, email, and telephone conversations. This continued communication ensured that coordination was ongoing throughout the entire planning process despite the fact that not all HMPC members could be present at every meeting. Additionally, draft documents were distributed via the plan website so that the HMPC members could easily access and review them and provide comments. Table 2.4 – HMPC Members




Position or Title

Emergency Management and Special Events Emergency Management and Special Events Engineering Services – Stormwater Management Office of Sustainability Office of Sustainability Planning Department Planning Department

Emergency Management Coordinator

City of Raleigh

Kelly Lindsey*

City of Raleigh

Whitney Schoenfeld

Special Events Planner

City of Raleigh

Ben Brown

Stormwater Administrator

City of Raleigh City of Raleigh Town of Apex Town of Apex Town of Apex Town of Cary

Megan Anderson Nicole Goddard

Sustainability Manager Sustainability Analyst

Shelly Mayo Dianne Khin


Planning Director Citizen Stakeholder Sustainability Manager


Jim Scarborough

Town Manager’s Office

Emily Barrett

Water Resources Department

Town of Cary

Eric Kulz

Environmental Specialist

Town of Cary


Tom Hegele

Citizen Stakeholder Planning Director

Town of Fuquay-Varina Town of Fuquay-Varina Town of Fuquay-Varina

Planning Department Planning Department

Samantha Smith Allyssa Stafford



Ed Ridpath

Citizen Stakeholder

Town of Garner Town of Garner

Planning Department Planning Department

David Bamford Jeff Triezenberg

Planning Services Manager

Planning Director

Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2019


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