Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan


Power outages during very cold winter storm conditions can also create potentially dangerous situations. Elderly people account for the largest percentage of hypothermia victims. In addition, if the power is out for an extended period, residents are forced to find alternative means to heat their homes. The danger arises from carbon monoxide released from improperly ventilated heating sources such as space or kerosene heaters, furnaces, and blocked chimneys. House fires also occur more frequently in the winter due to lack of proper safety precautions when using an alternative heating source. Property According to reported data of storm impacts recorded by the NCEI, between 1998 and 2017 Wake County experienced $1.04 million in property damage related to the impacts of severe winter storm. Based on this data, Wake County experiences average annual losses of $52,000 due to severe winter storm events. Environment Winter storm events may include ice or snow accumulation on trees which can cause large limbs, or even whole trees, to snap and potentially fall on buildings, cars, or power lines. This potential for winter debris creates a dangerous environment to be outside in; significant injury or fatality may occur if a large limb snaps while a local resident is out driving or walking underneath it. Consequence Analysis

Table 4.68 summarizes the potential negative consequences of severe winter storm. Table 4.71 – Consequence Analysis – Severe Winter Storm




Localized impact expected to be severe for affected areas and moderate to light for other less affected areas. Adverse impact expected to be severe for unprotected personnel and moderate to light for trained, equipped, and protected personnel. Localized disruption of roads and/or utilities caused by incident may postpone delivery of some services.


Continuity of Operations (including Continued Delivery of Services) Property, Facilities and Infrastructure

Localized impact to facilities and infrastructure in the areas of the incident. Power lines and roads most adversely affected.


Environmental damage to trees, bushes, etc.

Economic Condition of the Jurisdiction Public Confidence in the Jur isdiction’s Governance

Local economy and finances may be adversely affected, depending on damage.

Ability to respond and recover may be questioned and challenged if planning, response, and recovery not timely and effective.

Hazard Summary by Jurisdiction The following table summarizes severe winter storm hazard risk by jurisdiction. Severe winter storm risk does not vary substantially by jurisdiction because these events are typically regional in nature.

Jurisdiction Wake County

Probability Impact

Spatial Extent

Warning Time




4 4 4 4 4 4

2 2 2 2 2 2

4 4 4 4 4 4

1 1 1 1 1 1

3 3 3 3 3 3

3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0


Apex Cary



Holly Springs

Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2019


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