Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan - Adopted 10-21-2024


EXTENT Wildfire extent can be defined by the fire’s intensity and measured by the Characteristic Fire Intensity Scale, which identifies areas where significant fuel hazards which could produce dangerous fires exist. Fire Intensity ratings identify where significant fuel hazards and dangerous fire behavior potential exist based on fuels, topography, and a weighted average of four percentile weather categories. The Fire Intensity Scale consists of five classes, as defined by Southern Wildfire Risk Assessment. Figure 4.31 shows the potential fire intensity within the WUI across Wake County. Table 4.124 – Fire Intensity Scale Class Description

Very small, discontinuous flames, usually less than 1 foot in length; very low rate of spread; no spotting. Fires are typically easy to suppress by firefighters with basic training and non-specialized equipment. Small flames, usually less than two feet long; small amount of very short range spotting possible. Fires are easy to suppress by trained firefighters with protective equipment and specialized tools. Flames up to 8 feet in length; short-range spotting is possible. Trained firefighters will find these fires difficult to suppress without support from aircraft or engines, but dozer and plows are generally effective. Increasing potential for harm or damage to life and property. Large Flames, up to 30 feet in length; short-range spotting common; medium range spotting possible. Direct attack by trained firefighters, engines, and dozers is generally ineffective, indirect attack may be effective. Significant potential for harm or damage to life and property. Very large flames up to 150 feet in length; profuse short-range spotting, frequent long- range spotting; strong fire-induced winds. Indirect attack marginally effective at the head of the fire. Great potential for harm or damage to life and property.

1, Very Low

2, Low

3, Moderate

4, High

5, Very High

Source: Southern Wildfire Risk Assessment

Wake County, NC Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan

WSP June 2024 Page 234

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