PROBABILITY OF FUTURE OCCURRENCE Cyber-attacks occur daily, but most have negligible impacts at the county level. The possibility of a larger disruption affecting the county exists at all times, but it is difficult to quantify the exact probability due to such highly variable factors as the type of attack and intent of the attacker. Minor attacks against business and government systems have become commonplace occurrences, but are usually stopped with minimal impact. Similarly data breaches impacting the information of Wake County residents are almost certain to happen in coming years. Major attacks or breaches specifically targeting systems in the county are less likely but cannot be ruled out.
Probability: 2 – Possible CLIMATE CHANGE
Climate change is not expected to affect incidence of cyber-attacks. VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT
Vulnerability to cyber-attacks was assessed based on past occurrences nationally and internationally as well as publicly available information on these vulnerabilities.
PEOPLE Cyber-attacks can have a significant cumulative economic impact. Symantec reports that in the last three years, businesses have lost $3 billion due to spear-phishing email scams alone. A major cyber-attack has the potential to undermine public confidence and build doubt in their government’s ability to protect them from harm. Injuries or fatalities from cyber-attacks would generally only be possible from a major cyber terrorist attack against critical infrastructure.
Short of a major cyber terrorist attack against critical infrastructure, property damage from cyber-attacks are typically limited to computer systems.
ENVIRONMENT The vast majority of cyber incidents have little to no environmental impact. A major cyber terrorism attack could potentially impact the environment by triggering a release of a hazardous materials, or by causing an accident involving hazardous materials by disrupting traffic-control devices.
Table 4.131 summarizes the potential consequences of a cyber-attack. Table 4.131 – Consequence Analysis – Cyber Threat Category Consequences Public
Cyber-attacks can impact personal data and accounts. Injuries or fatalities could potentially result from a major cyber terrorist attack against critical infrastructure.
Wake County, NC Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan
WSP June 2024 Page 246
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