Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan


2015 Action #


2019 Status Status Comments/Explanation

Emergency Operations Command Post Center – established when natural hazard imminent. Center coordinates evacuations, sheltering, staging areas for equipment, manpower, and needed supplies. Equipment includes internet access, telephone, wireless communications, radio and backup supplied by emergency batteries and/or generators. Mobile Command Post - Available 24 hours a day and equipped to communicate with all agencies in the Triangle including Emergency Management, State agencies, fire departments, etc. The Town will be upgrading this service. Town website will be updated to answer citizen questions about flood hazards, flood safety, availability of flood insurance, stormwater regulations, and other information.



Completed in 2015



We partner with Wake County to use theirs.



Holly Springs

Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) - The Town has an existing UDO which regulates development to ensure safety from fire, panic and other dangers. The UDO provides for orderly growth and development within the Town and ETJ by determining appropriate land use and development standards. Stormwater Management - The Town maintains numerous basin HEC-HMS and HEC-RAZ models to determine the water surface elevation where nuisance flooding is a known problem. To ensure that water surface elevations and velocities in the streams do not get worse, the Town has adopted a policy to require new development, to run the model with the proposed development and to add stormwater BMPs or other measures to make sure that there is not a negative impact downstream. Urban Search and Rescue – The Town currently has US&R services provided through the NC US&R team region 4, with backup assistance provided by region 8. Internally, we provide urban search and rescue services consisting of structural collapse and similar emergencies.



Updated in 2018



We now have enhanced capabilities with the purchase of a drone. The is funded through the State with a mutual aid agreement. The town currently utilizes Wake County’s war ning systems in conjunction with mobile applications that are subscription based for citizens and employees alike. In addition, the town has public access channels and access via media outlets through the PIO to disseminate information concerning emergency warnings and other incidents. The town has a collection of cones, traffic barriers, and other mechanisms to block off, re-route, or set detours for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. In the event that these resources are depleted, WCEM will loan resources to the town for the duration of an incident under the current structures of the MOU.



Warning Systems - The Town currently uses Wake County’s warning systems. The Town is looking into options for warning systems for the Town of Holly Springs.



Warning Barricades - The Town uses visual warning barricades for vehicular and pedestrian traffic to block properties, roadways, etc. for the safety of the general public.



Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2019


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