Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan - Adopted 10-21-2024


Hepaco Inc. proceeded to offload trailer clean impacted trailer floor and surrounding areas and containerize remaining free product. Freight was loaded onto a recovery trailer provided by Wilson Trucking Corporation to be sent on to its destination. Following a rain event in the area Hepaco returned to the site collected residual product and site was deemed for closure. Disposal was coordinated in accordance with local state and federal regulations. There were no injuries or exposures reported. Raleigh, April 27, 2020 – Package driver opened the rear door of his package car at the customer location. Product had leaked onto the rubber strip at the bottom of the door and splashed into driver’s face and dripped down onto his legs below both knees. On road responder arrived on the scene with mobile spill cart and PPE. He identified the contents, and contained and cleaned the spill, and arranged for driver to receive medical attention. Driver experienced burning on his face and legs and was transported to the burn center. Raleigh, June 9, 2021 - PVS Transportation driver was scheduled to deliver a shipment of Hypochlorite 12.5% to MVP Services Inc. in Raleigh, NC. Once the driver arrived on site, he noticed there were three tanks and proceeded to fill the back tanks firsFt. After the driver proceeded to hook up to the customer tank and product flowing the driver proceeded back to his truck. Two MVP Service employees noticed product was overfilling the tank and notified the driver. The driver proceeded to shut down the delivery and approximately 300 gallons was released into customer's containment. Cary, January 18, 2022 - While transporting a 1,000 gallon portable site tank, tank fell from trailer, which resulted in the release of approximately 150 gallons of fuel oil. Free product released to the asphalt roadway and adjacent soil. North Carolina DOT and Local FD responded to assess the site. North Carolina DOT applied sand to the affected roadway, to contain free product, which was swept to the shoulder. Miller Environmental was dispatched to perform additional cleanup. Miler Environmental coordinated removal of contaminated sand, and excavation of impacted soil to ensure all contamination was recovered. Disposal was coordinated in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. There were no injuries or exposures reported. PROBABILITY OF FUTURE OCCURRENCE Based on historical occurrences recorded by PHMSA, there have been 18 serious incidents of hazardous materials release in the 25-year period from 1998 through 2023. Using historical occurrences as an indication of future probability, there is a 72 percent annual probability of a serious incident occurring.


PEOPLE People near facilities storing or transporting hazardous materials are at higher risk of exposure to a release incident. Additionally, any individuals working with or transporting hazardous materials are also at heightened risk. Depending on the materials, they may pose certain health hazards. If hazardous materials contaminate soils or water supply, people may be at risk of exposure through food or water. PROPERTY A radiological incident could cause severe damage to the power station itself but would not cause direct property damage outside the station. However, property values could drop substantially if a radiological incident resulted in contamination of nearby areas.

Wake County, NC Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan

WSP June 2024 Page 255

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