6.1.2 GOAL SETTING At the third planning meeting, held on May 30, 2024, the HMPC reviewed and discussed the goals from the 2019 hazard mitigation plan. The HMPC did not propose any changes to the existing goals or objectives and instead reaffirmed the importance of continuing to achieve these goals and objectives. The Wake County planning area mitigation goals and objectives are detailed below in Section 6.1.3. 6.1.3 RESULTING GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The HMPC agreed upon four general goals for this planning effort and included specific objectives in support of each goal. The refined goals and objectives are as follows: Goal 1 – Protect public health, life, safety, and welfare by increasing public awareness and education of hazards and by encouraging collective and individual responsibility for mitigating hazard risks. Objective 1.1: Develop outreach materials and expand outreach platforms to identify hazard areas and explain risks. Objective 1.2: Seek opportunities to improve warning and notification of hazard events. Goal 2 – Improve technical capability (including administrative resources, tools, data, and equipment) to implement hazard mitigation and respond to hazard events. Objective 2.1: Ensure that disaster response and recovery personnel have the necessary equipment and supplies available in order to serve the public in the event of a disaster. Objective 2.2: Seek to fill gaps in local capabilities that will enable improved implementation of mitigation projects. Goal 3 – Minimize threats to life and property by protecting the most vulnerable populations, buildings, and critical facilities through the implementation of cost-effective and technically feasible mitigation actions. Objective 3.1: Retrofit, harden, or otherwise protect critical facilities and infrastructure to protect against damages and ensure continuity of operations during hazard events. Objective 3.2: Implement policies and projects that reduce vulnerabilities of key populations and property at risk. Goal 4 – Incorporate resiliency into future growth by ensuring that hazard mitigation is considered for both new development and post-disaster redevelopment and recovery. Objective 4.1: Enhance existing or create new policies and ordinances that will help reduce the damaging effects of natural hazards. Objective 4.2: Integrate hazard mitigation into existing and new planning efforts.
Wake County, NC Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan
WSP June 2024 Page 293
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