Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan - Adopted 10-21-2024


2019 Action #

2024 Status


Status Comments/Explanation

Develop and adopt a conservation subdivision ordinance to help preserve significant natural features. Website - The Town maintains its own website which is able to provide up to date information for the public. Town continuously updates the site with additional resources.


Completed Completed with updates to UDO.


Completed Completed the initial effort; it is in place and on-going

Holly Springs

GIS Programming - Design GIS programming capable of providing real-time data to emergency managers and historic data for future emergency response planning. ECC Notifications by NOAA for possible severe weather (tornados, ice, etc.). ECC is notified by both agencies when weather alerts are issued. Information is then broadcast over police radios. This information is generated by the State and Wake County and is obtained through the use of DC message, radio, fax and Nextel. Purchase ACU 1000 Communications Unit – System should allow all agencies on ACU 1000 to communicate using own radios and frequencies.

Our dispatch CAD system is the same system as the county. GIS capabilities are built into the system. Will be deleted on next update. This is maintained by the county and we do not send these alerts at the local level. All weather alerts are sent out by NOAA. Will be deleted on next update.







The system is now contracted with Wake County.

Currently the Town police department has a contract for services. The need will be continuous as mental health services and peer support expand with various sensitive incidents. Will be deleted on next update.

Counseling – Police psychologist and Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Team training to provide debriefing sessions for personnel.




Dredging, new riser and plunge pool for pond restoration at Environmental Park


Completed Completed


Establish a Municipal Service District (MSD) in order to convert private roads in Carpenter Park neighborhood to public roads with a higher design, safety, and maintenance standard.


Completed One time project that has been completed.

On hold - no plans to revisit at this time. However, map developed for staff use identifying what line segments Duke Energy would like to bury at the same time to maintain the integrity and reliability of system. Map has been used as starting point in determining likelihood of burial with various development projects.

Coordinate with Duke Power to draft Electric Utility Master Plan, which seeks to identify areas feasible for utility line burial.



Update Land Use Plan to ensure protection of natural resources, strengthen existing development to resist hazards, and guide future development away from hazard prone areas.

Good reference in terms of making sure plan recommendations are followed.



Wake County, NC Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan

WSP June 2024 Page 22

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