— Utilizing local media to update the public of any maintenance and/or review activities; — Utilizing City and County websites to advertise any maintenance and/or review activities; — Maintaining copies of the plan in public libraries or other appropriate venues; — Posting annual progress reports on the Plan to City, County and Town websites; — Heavy publicity of the plan and potential ways for the public to be involved after significant hazard events, tailored to the event that has just happened; — Keeping websites, social media outlets, etc. updated; — Drafting articles for the local community newspapers/newsletters; — Utilizing social media accounts (e.g. Twitter, Facebook) PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT FOR FIVE-YEAR UPDATE When the HMPC reconvenes for the five-year update, they will coordinate with all stakeholders participating in the planning process — including those that joined the committee since the planning process began — to update and revise the plan. In reconvening, the HMPC will be responsible for coordinating the activities necessary to involve the greater public, including disseminating information through a variety of media channels detailing the plan update process. As part of this effort, public meetings will be held and public comments will be solicited on the plan update draft.
Wake County, NC Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan
WSP June 2024 Page 339
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