Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan


Included in this plan update?


Explanation for Decision

Wake County is not exposed to coastal hazards; therefore storm surge, coastal flooding, and coastal erosion will not be assessed. However, past disaster declarations and NCEI storm reports indicate hurricane wind and rain are still a significant hazard for the County. The State HMP lists hurricane as a top hazard in the Piedmont region which includes Wake County. The 2015 Wake County plan addressed this hazard. The 2015 Wake County plan and 2018 State HMP addressed this hazard. The 2015 Wake County plan and 2018 State plan addressed this hazard. Several past disaster and emergency declarations relate to this hazard. The 2015 Wake County plan addressed these hazard. NCEI reports 341 wind events, 33 lightning events, and 209 hail events in the past 20 years. Given this frequency, analysis is warranted. The 2015 Wake County plan addressed this hazard. NCEI reports 12 previous tornado events. Per the State HMP, vulnerability to tornado is high. Wake County has previously received a major disaster declaration for tornado. The 2015 Wake County plan addressed this hazard. There are areas of the County with high burn probability and moderate potential fire intensity. The 2015 Wake County plan addressed this hazard but did not find any historical occurrences and assigned a low probability of future occurrence. Erosion will be discussed as a subset of wind and flood hazards. The 2015 Wake County plan addressed this hazard in conjunction with dam failure but did not list any levees or historical levee failures in the County. T he USACE’s National Levee Database does not identify any USACE or non-USACE levees in Wake County. The 2015 Wake County plan did not address this hazard. Per the State HMP, vulnerability to sinkhole is low in the Piedmont region. The 2015 Wake County plan addressed this hazard and found it to be a moderate priority hazard to the planning area. The 2015 Wake County plan addressed this hazard and found it to be a moderate priority hazard to the planning area. The 2015 Wake County plan addressed this hazard and found it to be a moderate priority hazard to the planning area. The 2015 Wake County plan did not address this threat. The County considers this threat more appropriately addressed at the State level. The 2015 Wake County plan did not address this threat. The County considers this threat more appropriately addressed at the State level.

Hurricane & Tropical Storm




Severe Winter Weather (Freezing Rain, Snowstorms, Blizzards, Wind Chill, Extreme Cold) Severe Weather (Thunderstorm Wind, Lightning, Hail)









Levee Failure




Technological Hazards & Threats Hazardous Materials Incident Yes

Radiological Emergency




Cyber Threat


Electromagnetic Pulse


Infectious Disease The 2015 Wake County plan did not address this hazard. The State HMP reports the entire State is equally at risk, but vulnerability is low across all but one impact category. *These hazards were found to be low-risk hazards through the risk assessment process; therefore, they are not prioritized for mitigation actions. No

Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2019


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