Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan - Adopted 10-21-2024

Element B Requirements

Location in Plan (section and/or page number) Section 4.5, (p.85-271 Historical

Met / Not Met

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B1-d. Does the plan include the history of previous hazard events for each identified hazard?

Occurrences” subheadings)

Section 4.5, (p.85-271 Probability of Future

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B1-e. Does the plan include the probability of future events for each identified hazard? Does the plan describe the effects of future conditions, including climate change (e.g., long-term weather patterns, average temperature and sea levels), on the type, location and range of anticipated intensities of identified hazards? B1-f. For participating jurisdictions in a multi ‐ jurisdictional plan, does the plan describe any hazards that are unique to and/or vary from those affecting the overall planning area?

Occurrence” subheadings

Section 4.5, (p.85-271 Hazard Summary by Jurisdiction” subheadings) Annexes

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B2. Does the plan include a summary of the jurisdiction’s vulnerability and the impacts on the community from the identified hazards? Does this summary also address NFIP-insured structures that have been repetitively damaged by floods? (Requirement 44 CFR § 201.6(c)(2)(ii))

Section 4.3, p.69-70; Section 4.5, (p. 85- 271 “Vulnerability Assessment” subheadings) Annexes Section 4.5, p.85-272, Annexes

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B2-a. Does the plan provide an overall summary of each jurisdiction’s vulnerability to the identified hazards?

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B2-b. For each participating jurisdiction, does the plan describe the potential impacts of each of the identified hazards on each participating jurisdiction? B2-c. Does the plan address NFIP-insured structures within each jurisdiction that have been repetitively damaged by floods?

Section 4.5.5, p.148- 155

Choose an item.


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WSP June 2024 Page A.7

Wake County, NC Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan

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