Element C: Mitigation Strategy Element C Requirements
Location in Plan (section and/or page number)
Met / Not Met
C1. Does the plan document each participant’s existing authorities, policies, programs and resources and its ability to expand on and improve these existing policies and programs? (Requirement 44 CFR § 201.6(c)(3))
C1-a. Does the plan describe how the existing capabilities of each participant are available to support the mitigation strategy? Does this include a discussion of the existing building codes and land use and development ordinances or regulations? C1-b. Does the plan describe each participant’s ability to expand and improve the identified capabilities to achieve mitigation?
Section 5, p.272-291
Choose an item.
Section 5, p.272-291
Choose an item.
C2. Does the plan address each jurisdiction’s participation in the NFIP and continued compliance with NFIP requirements, as appropriate? (Requirement 44 CFR § 201.6(c)(3)(ii)) C2-a. Does the plan contain a narrative description or a table/list of their participation activities? Section 5.3.1, p.278- 285, Table 5.2 Choose an item. C3. Does the plan include goals to reduce/avoid long-term vulnerabilities to the identified hazards? (Requirement 44 CFR § 201.6(c)(3)(i)) C3-a. Does the plan include goals to reduce the risk from the hazards identified in the plan? Section 6.1, p.292- 293 Choose an item. C4. Does the plan identify and analyze a comprehensive range of specific mitigation actions and projects for each jurisdiction being considered to reduce the effects of hazards, with emphasis on new and existing buildings and infrastructure? (Requirement 44 CFR § 201.6(c)(3)(ii))
C4-a. Does the plan include an analysis of a comprehensive range of actions/projects that each jurisdiction considered to reduce the impacts of hazards identified in the risk assessment? C4-b. Does the plan include one or more action(s) per jurisdiction for each of the hazards as identified within the plan’s risk assessment?
Section 7, p.296-333; Appendix C
Choose an item.
Section 7, p.296-333
Choose an item.
C5. Does the plan contain an action plan that describes how the actions identified will be prioritized (including a cost-benefit review), implemented, and administered by each jurisdiction? (Requirement 44 CFR § 201.6(c)(3)(iv)); (Requirement §201.6(c)(3)(iii)) C5-a. Does the plan describe the criteria used for prioritizing actions? Section 6.2, p. 294- 295 Choose an item.
WSP June 2024 Page A.8
Wake County, NC Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan
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