Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan - Adopted 10-21-2024

Element D Requirements

Location in Plan (section and/or page number)

Met / Not Met

D3. Does the plan describe a process by which each community will integrate the requirements of the mitigation plan into other planning mechanisms, such as comprehensive or capital improvement plans, when appropriate? (Requirement 44 CFR § 201.6(c)(4)(ii))

Choose an item.

D3-a. Does the plan describe the process the community will follow to integrate the ideas, information and strategy of the mitigation plan into other planning mechanisms? D3-b. Does the plan identify the planning mechanisms for each plan participant into which the ideas, information and strategy from the mitigation plan may be integrated? D3-c. For multi-jurisdictional plans, does the plan describe each participant's individual process for integrating information from the mitigation strategy into their identified planning mechanisms?

Section 8.1, p. 334- 336; Section 8.2, p.336-338 Section 8.1, p. 334- 336; Section 8.2, p.336-338 Section 8.1, p. 334- 336; Section 8.2, p.336-338

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Required Revision: Click or tap here to enter text.

Element E: Plan Update Element E Requirements

Location in Plan (section and/or page number)

Met / Not Met

E1. Was the plan revised to reflect changes in development? (Requirement 44 CFR § 201.6(d)(3)) E1-a. Does the plan describe the changes in development that have occurred in hazard-prone areas that have increased or decreased each community’s vulnerability since the previous plan was approved? Sections 3.7, p.45-48; Sections 3.10, “Growth and Choose an item. E2. Was the plan revised to reflect changes in priorities and progress in local mitigation efforts? (Requirement 44 CFR § 201.6(d)(3)) E2-a. Does the plan describe how it was revised due to changes in community priorities? Section 2.1, p.6-7; Development Trends” subheadings, p. 53-62 Choose an item.

Section 6, p.292-295, Section 7, p. 296-333 Section 7, p. 296-333; Section 2.9, p.16-25

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E2-b. Does the plan include a status update for all mitigation actions identified in the previous mitigation plan?

WSP June 2024 Page A.10

Wake County, NC Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan

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