The County received 110 responses to the survey. The following bullet points summarize significant findings from the survey. All questions and responses are detailed in Figure B.1 through Figure B.14. • 50% of respondents say they have experienced or been impacted by a hazard or disaster in Wake County. • 9% of respondents live in a floodplain while 75% do not. 6% of respondents say they do not live in a floodplain but still experience flooding, and 9% of respondents do not know if their home is located in a floodplain.
• 74% of respondents do not have flood insurance for their home and/or personal property.
• 45% of respondents have taken actions to protect their home or neighborhood from hazards.
• Severe weather (thunderstorm, lightning, hail) was rated the most significant hazard, followed by hurricane, extreme heat, and tornados. Landslide was rated the least significant hazard, followed by dam failure and earthquake.
• Many respondents who reported having taken steps to mitigate risk at home reported
preparedness actions such as removal of high-risk trees and acquiring emergency supplies such as a backup generator and non-perishable food. Others mentioned installing a French drain and waterproofing of basements.
• Respondents favored prevention projects and emergency services projects for mitigation.
Figure B.1 – Survey Response, Location of Survey Respondents
Wake County, NC Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan
WSP June 2024 Page B.63
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