Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan - Adopted 10-21-2024


Action #

Mitigation Action

Reason for Pursuing / Not Pursuing


Property Protection Measures and Funding Recommended for Implementation

Require minimum finished floor elevation in known FEMA flood hazard zones be minimum 2’ above base flood elevation. Pursue acquisition or elevation of repetitive loss buildings and other flood prone structures. Respond to requests and questions from citizens regarding actions they may take to improve drainage, halt erosion, and to relocate, renovate or retrofit structures being flooded. Install backup generators for critical facilities.

Freeboard reduces flood risk for new development in flood prone areas.

Operating Budget


Acquisition and elevation projects are eligible for FEMA HMA grant funding and reduce or eliminate flood risk for existing structures.



Garner staff assist property owners in identifying property protection measures to mitigate flood risk to existing structures.

Operating Budget


This action will support continuity of operations of critical government and emergency response services during hazard events.

Operating Budget


C.2.3 NATURAL RESOURCE PROTECTION Resource protection activities are generally aimed at preserving (or in some cases restoring) natural areas. These activities enable the naturally beneficial functions of fields, floodplains, wetlands, and other natural lands to operate more effectively. Natural and beneficial functions of watersheds, floodplains and wetlands include: • Reduction in runoff from rainwater and stormwater in pervious areas • Infiltration that absorbs overland flood flow • Removal and filtering of excess nutrients, pollutants and sediments • Storage of floodwaters • Absorption of flood energy and reduction in flood scour • Water quality improvement • Groundwater recharge • Habitat for flora and fauna • Recreational and aesthetic opportunities As development occurs, many of the above benefits can be achieved through regulatory steps for protecting natural areas or natural functions. This section covers the resource protection programs and standards that can help mitigate the impact of natural hazards, while they improve the overall environment. Six areas were reviewed: • Wetland protection • Erosion and sedimentation control • Stream/River restoration

WSP June 2024 Page C.9

Wake County, NC Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan

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