Communities could receive credit for Activity 610 – Flood Warning Program for maintaining a program that provides timely identification of impending flood threats, disseminates warnings to appropriate floodplain residents, and coordinates flood response activities (based on Wake County’s Emergency Management Program). Community Rating System credits are based on the number and types of warning media that can reach the community's flood prone population. Depending on the location, communities can receive credit for the telephone calling system and more credits for additional measures, like telephone trees. Being designated as a StormReady community also provides additional credits. Table C.4 – Emergency Services Mitigation Options and Recommended Projects Action # Mitigation Action Reason for Pursuing / Not Pursuing Funding Emergency Services Measures Considered by HMPC and Not Recommended
To avoid redundancy, these responsibilities are identified in the County’s Emergency Operations Plan, and the other mitigation projects identified in this FMP can be used as a guide for flood loss reduction in post- disaster mitigation.
Develop post-disaster mitigation procedures that assign responsibilities for public information, code enforcement, planning, and other efforts that encourage loss reduction.
Emergency Services Measures and Funding Recommended for Implementation
Ensure proper training of first responders to reduce danger during flooding events. Training and exercises must be conducted so staff are properly trained on all possible issues that may arise in various events. Wake Forest will support generator implementation at critical facilities to protect vulnerable populations.
Provide and enhance technical rescue capabilities.
Operating Budget
Continue to conduct disaster tabletop exercise program.
Operating Budget Property Owners, Federal grants
See that all nursing homes and assisted living facilities have backup generators.
C.2.5 STRUCTURAL PROJECTS Four general types of flood control projects are reviewed here: levees, reservoirs, diversions, and dredging. These projects have three advantages not provided by other mitigation measures: • They can stop most flooding, protecting streets and landscaping in addition to buildings. • Many projects can be built without disrupting citizens' homes and businesses. • They are constructed and maintained by a government agency, a more dependable long-term management arrangement than depending on many individual private property owners. However, as shown below, structural measures also have shortcomings. The appropriateness of using flood control depends on individual project area circumstances. • Advantages o They may provide the greatest amount of protection for land area used o Because of land limitations, they may be the only practical solution in some circumstances
WSP June 2024 Page C.15
Wake County, NC Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan
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