
How to choose the perfect Christmas tree

Put your tree in the stand and fill the basin with water. Make sure to add water daily so your tree doesn’t dry up. Wait a few hours for the branches and needles to settle before you start decorating. A dry Christmas tree is a fire hazard. To minimize the risk, make sure to give it enough water, keep it far from the fire- place and use lights that don’t emit heat.

Do you love seeing and smelling a real Christmas tree in your home? If so, here are some tips for choosing the perfect one. DETERMINE WHAT SIZE Choose a spot in your home to place your tree and don’t forget to measure it to make sure you don’t come home with one that’s too tall. The spot you select should be away from air vents so that the tree doesn’t prematurely dry out. CHOOSE THE TREE To choose the right tree, look for one with needles that are shiny and unifor- mly green. When you crush the needles between your fingers, they should re- lease a strong, fresh scent. Lift the tree and make sure that it’s heavy, that the needles stay on and that the trunk is slightly sticky. CARE FOR THE TREE Store your tree outdoors or in the ga- rage until you’re ready to decorate it. Right before you do, cut about an inch of the trunk off the bottom. This will allow your tree to soak up the water it needs to thrive indoors.

Horaire des Fêtes

24 décembre

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