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Library launches teen-writing contest

Campaign combats bullying


get help with homework, finding books and articles for research, or just read a book, listen to music, or watch a movie. The library also has access to teen health and fitness questions, as well as the kids help phone. Workstations with high-speed Internet access are available for the public during regular library hours. Reservations are not necessary as the workstations are available on a first come, first serve basis. Several writing tips and tutorials are available to help out with the writing process. The teen writing contest opened No- vember 6. Submissions will be accepted until 8 p.m., April 8, 2016. Winners will be announced and prizes will be handed out on April 22. For more information, those interested can contact JenniferB@


«Bullying is a community issue,» states the group’s news release. «The Coalition emphasizes the importance of reporting all cases of bullying. Although this practice seems simple, taking the first step can be difficult. If you are a victim or a witness to bullying, tell someone in authority whom you trust in order to resolve the situation quickly.” The Coalition noted statistics from the Canadian Institutes of Health and Research (CIHR) and the Canadian Red Cross that in the workplace, 40 per cent of Canadians face bullying in some form or other every week. Part of the growing concern about the abuse of the elderly is that many seniors suffer ver- bal, psychological, sometimes even physical abuse from family members and others. The rise in cyberbullying has reached the point where one in eight children will experience bullying at least once a month, through either text-messaging, emails, or social media sites. Even among adults, the incidents of cyberbullying now affect at least seven per cent of Canadians over the age of 18. «Only if we dare speak up,» states the Coalition, «can we put a stop to bullying.»

The Hawkesbury Public Library is launching a writing contest for local teens. The contest is open to all library mem- bers aged 12 to 17. Teens can submit a short story, documentary, poem, or comic strip. Illustrations can be added to show their artistic talents. The teen-writing contest will be dis- cussed during the Teen Zone Drop In program that runs Friday evenings from 6:30- 8 p.m., on December 4, January 29, February 26, and April 22. The drop in is a place for teens to hang out, connect with friends, do homework, use the Wi-Fi, and explore their artistic side in literature or visual arts. Teens can

Almost everyone at some time in their life has had to deal with a bully. What once was thought of as part of growing up is now considered a serious social and, in some cases, even criminal problem. Bullying is a problem that affects indivi- duals whether they are children or adults. It can lead to mental health and alcohol or drug abuse problems, and is one of themain dangers now in the realm of the Internet and social media. Cyberbullying, and some of its tragic consequences, has become a headline issue as one of the chief causes behind many suicides and attempted sui- cides among young people. In Ontario, November 15 to 21 is Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week and, in Prescott-Russell, a local group is promo- ting the event and working hard to make more people aware of both the problemand the solutions. The Prescott-Russell Coali- tion in Action to Prevent and Stop Bullying (PRCAPSB) has a website set up at www. and a toll-free support phone number at 1-800-675-6168.

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