

SNC to launch GeoPasseports heritage theme and will guide users through various sites where they’ll gain an education on regional history. Unlike previous tours, this passport in- cludes a hard-copy historical guidebook, which is being produced thanks to support from the Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund.Those who successfully complete the

South Nation Conservation’s (SNC) partnership with the regional geoca- ching community continues to grow, with more than 1,600 geocaches now hidden throughout the 4,300 square kilometre jurisdiction. “The relationship has been beneficial for both parties,” said long-time geocacher Ian Mitchell, chair of SNC’s Communications Committee. “Geocachers have been wel- comed to a large territory and gained free meeting space, while SNC has benefited from positive public relations and greater appreciation for the natural resources in the area.” SNC hosts monthlymeetings for Geoca- chers of Eastern Ontario at its Finch office, with a large attendance. Special events are also held in SNC conference rooms, inclu- ding a public viewing of the Geocaching International FilmFestival, with some videos featuring “extreme geocaching” adventures. For the uninitiated, geocaching is a networked technology-based scavenger hunt that occurs around the world. Hid- den caches are rated according to the ter- rain and difficulty to locate. SNC became involved about five years ago, Mitchell noted. In conjunction with area geocachers, the authority has organized several “Cache-in, Trash-out” cleanups and offers aWatershed GeoPassport which guides participants through a series of 20 caches hidden across the jurisdiction. Hundreds of residents and visitors take part every year. “The passport introduces users to locations of interest and to the work done by SNC, including bringing them through the Conservation areas,” said John Mesman, SNC Communications specia- list. Early in 2016, a new GeoPassport will be launched, noted Mesman. It will have a

tour will be awarded a collectable SNCGeo- coin… another way the authority promotes geocaching in the region.

Les SCPR inaugurent ses nouveaux bureaux

Plusieurs personnes se sont rassemblées afin de couper le fameux ruban inaugurant officiellement les nouveaux bureaux des Services communautaires de Prescott et Russell (SCPR), le mercredi 2 décembre dernier. Sur la photo, on reconnaît la directrice générale des SCPR, Sylvie Leclair, la présidente du conseil d’administration, Jeannine Racine, le député fédéral, Francis Drouin, Lise Desforges, représentant le député provincial Grant Crack, le président des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell et maire de Hawkesbury Est, Robert Kirby, le directeur des CUPR, Stéphane Parisien, la mairesse de Hawkesbury, Jeanne Charlebois, la conseillère Johanne Portelance, le maire du canton de Champlain, Gary Barton, Josée Deslauriers, du Réseau de la santé en français de l’est de l’Ontario, le propriétaire de l’édifice, Denis Thériault, ainsi que plusieurs bénévoles et employés également conviés à la soirée de célébration.


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