Leadership in Action - English - 201901

You Are What You Do I believe that we are what we do. We’re not what we think or what we feel. Our thoughts and feelings are important, but only to the extent they fuel our actions. We might think charitable thoughts and feel charitable feelings, but those thoughts and feelings must manifest themselves in action in order to have a tangible impact on the world. We become what we do over and over again—not the things we do on occasion or once a year. If you really want to know what’s important to someone, watch where they spend their time. We are our habits. We are our routines. You might enroll with Melaleuca and have the goal to advance to Senior Director, but you will fall short of your goal if you’re unwilling to take the daily actions of adding names to your contact list, approaching others, and sharing the Melaleuca Overview. It’s those things that we do over and over again, day in and day out—even when we don’t feel like doing them—that really shape who we are. Create a Routine All great achievements are fueled by consistency and routine. You’d be amazed at how routine life is for those who achieve great things. Their lives aren’t daily adventures or daily chaos. It’s quite the opposite. If you want to produce results, you need to be ruthless about protecting your time and your energy. This allows you to do your best possible work.

Darrin Johnson, Senior VP of Sales

One of the best parts of my job is the opportunity to meet

While there are many characteristics that I see as essential to success here at Melaleuca, the truth is there is NO magic formula or big secret to success. However, there is one constant I see in those that succeed at Melaleuca and in life: consistency.

There’s a famous quote from French novelist Gustave Flaubert that many artists and creatives live by: “Be regular and orderly in your life

people all over the country who have transformed their lives through Melaleuca. They come from many places, from all walks of life. They’ve cut their teeth in all kinds of jobs and industries. Yet they share so many of the same aspirations: to be more in control of their time, to create more memories with their families and loved ones, to improve their lives, and to help others lead healthier, fuller lives. Another common goal is to grow both personally and professionally, to become better in all aspects of life. I often get asked, “What can I do to get to the next level?” You will always hit a ceiling on achievement when you overtly fixate on dollars and cents. It’s not enough to work hard. The most successful individuals at Melaleuca (and in life) are those who bring passion to what they do. They approach challenges with a sense of joy and purpose .

so that you may be violent and original in your work.” You need consistency and calm to create a space for your best contributions. I know it’s easier said than done. It’s tough to carve out that consistent time with all of the demands you face. But consistency and routine are absolutely essential

for succeeding with Melaleuca.






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