ELEVATE: A Field Guide to the Plateau - Summer 2021


It is an absolute pleasure to welcome you to the inaugural issue of our magazine. I am so excited as we launch what will become your go to source for information and insights designed to elevate your experience in this truly special area of Western North Carolina. As I look back over the past year, creating this labor of love that you are now reading has been quite a journey. In the early days of 2020, with much of the country shut down due to the pandemic, we were not sure what was in store for our area. Businesses were in uncharted territory. Local shops, UHVWDXUDQWVKRWHOVDQGUHDOHVWDWH¿UPVZHUHDOOXQFHUWDLQRIWKHIXWXUH and if they would survive that trying time. Even as NC opened back up with restrictions, and real estate on the Plateau came roaring back to life, many RIRXUORFDOVKRSVDQGUHVWDXUDQWVFRQWLQXHGWRVX̆HU$WWKHWLPHZHZHUH not sure who was going to make it through, what our content should look OLNHRUZKLFKEXVLQHVVHVZHVKRXOGLQFOXGHLQRXU¿UVWLVVXHRI Elevate . But remembering what my mother used to tell me, I knew that “this too shall pass,” and it did. :HDUHWKULOOHGWRVKDUHRXU¿UVWLVVXHZLWK\RXQRZ+LJKOLJKWVLQFOXGH notable businesses in the area such as the Cashiers Farmers Market & On The Side BBQ, Wolfgang’s Restaurant & Wine Bistro, and Byrd Landscape 'HVLJQDVZHOODVDQLQWURGXFWLRQWRP\DPD]LQJWHDPRIEURNHUVDQGVWD̆ I continue to be grateful every day for the blessings in my life and for the special community in which I have lived for more than 35 years. I hope you enjoy Elevate DQG\RX¿QGWKH3ODWHDXDVEHDXWLIXODQGZRQGURXVDV,GR

- Judy

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