ELEVATE: A Field Guide to the Plateau - Summer 2021

WKH<HDU$WODQWD'LYLVLRQDQG6DOHV&RQVXOWDQW³'H¿QLWHO\:RXOG Recommend” Customer Service 2015 – Atlanta Division. In 2016 Joyce sold more than $12,800,000 in new homes. In 2017 she had more than $18,491,000 in new homes transactions and in 2018 from January through August, she closed more than $12,000,000 in new homes. Integrity, honesty, and being a leader in service to the community are essential components of Joyce’s life and as a result her client relationships are one of trust. The joy of being a part of watching VRPHRQHDFTXLUHWKHLUGUHDPKRPHLVTXLWHDQKRQRUDQGR̆HUVKHUGHHS satisfaction. She is still licensed in Florida and Georgia as well as North Carolina. Joyce and her husband now live in Burlingame, in Sapphire, NC; they still own a home in north Georgia. They have three children and seven grandchildren. Her hobbies include playing tennis, croquet, watching college football, horseback riding, hiking, and enjoying lots of family time.

LOUISE BOOTH Louise and her family have vacationed on Lake Glenville since 1995, and dreamed of owning a home in the Highlands-Cashiers area. For twenty years, VKHKDGDIXO¿OOLQJFDUHHUDVD/LFHQVHG&OLQLFDO Social Worker for the Volusia County, Florida public school system. Louise obtained her real estate license in Florida in 2007, and also sold real estate in the Port Orange market.

,Q/RXLVHDQGKHUKXVEDQGIXO¿OOHGWKHLUGUHDP of mountain living and bought a home in Glenville. She is thrilled to be DSDUWRIWKH%HUNVKLUH+DWKDZD\WHDPDQGKHOSRWKHUV¿QGWKHLUKDSS\ place in the mountain. BROKER

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