ELEVATE: A Field Guide to the Plateau - Summer 2021

DONALD COLLINS 'RQZDV¿UVWLQWURGXFHGWRWKH+LJKODQGVDQG Cashiers area in the summer of 1987, when he met his lovely wife who was raised Cashiers. Now, 30 years later, and having had the opportunity to live here as well as in other areas, they quickly realized just how blessed they have been to call the Cashiers community home! Don and his wife have three wonderful children and could not imaging raising their family anywhere else.


Don has been in the real estate industry for more than 30 years with over $500 million in sales. He has extensive experience representing both buyers and sellers with all types of property. From large parcels for developments to perfect family cottages or spectacular luxury homes, Don can help you ¿QGZKDW\RXDUHORRNLQJIRURUKHFDQKHOS\RXVHOOWKHSURSHUW\\RXRZQ His goal is to keep it as simple and stress free as possible while achieving your real estate goals.

DINAH DAVIS Working with an agent like me, with a varied skill set, can help you win in a competitive real estate market. With limited inventory, it is important to have a knowledge of the market and the ability to move quickly. I can help you get the knowledge you need, VR\RXDUHFRQ¿GHQWZKHQ\RXDUHPDNLQJDQR̆HURU selling your property. I became a NC licensed agent in 1997, but I have been working in real estate since 1987, when I began my career as a commercial transaction attorney. Since then,


,KDYHZRUNHGDVLQKRXVHFRXQVHOWRDQDWLRQDOUHDOHVWDWH¿UPDQGDVD consultant on a commercial tenant team, both in Atlanta, Georgia. In all these positions, I honed negotiating skills and attention to detail. I leverage

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