S UPPLEMENTAL D EPARTMENTAL ARPT G UIDELINES FOR F ACULTY M EMBERS H OLDING A CADEMIC A PPOINTMENT IN THE N ON -T ENURE C LINICAL S ERVICE T RACK Department of Ophthalmology revised 12/13/2017 I NTRODUCTION According to the current version of the UC College of Medicine’s Faculty ARPT Guidelines (adopted April 2017), the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track is appropriate for clinical faculty “who focus the bulk of their professional effort in the area of clinical service augmented by program development, administrative service, community outreach, process improvement, quality assurance, clinical safety and/or educational activities. ” T he Department of Ophthalmology interprets the words “bulk of their professional effort in the area of clinical service” in these guidelines to mean that the faculty member whose appointment is in the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track spends the majority of his/her time caring for patients and not teaching, performing research, performing other scholarly activities, applying for and obtaining competitive grants, or providing administrative service to the Department. The College of Medicine’s current Faculty ARPT Guidelines indicate in general terms the expectations of faculty members of different academic ranks in the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track. The Department of Ophthalmology has developed the following more explicit guidelines for promotion of faculty members in this Track. F ACTORS PERTAINING TO A PPOINTMENTS OF C LINICAL F ACULTY M EMBERS IN N ON -T ENURE C LINICAL S ERVICE T RACK The Department of Ophthalmology has identified three categories of factors related to academic appointments in the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track. These categories are: Basic factors – things an individual must be able to document to obtain/maintain a clinical faculty appointment at any rank in the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track. Program participation - the amount and types of participation in the clinical training programs of the Department that a clinical faculty member in the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track must provide. A faculty member whose appointment is in the Clinical Non-Tenure Service Track must provide a certain amount of service to the academic training programs of the Department to retain appointment at his/her current academic rank in this track and/or merit promotion to a higher academic rank; however, a faculty member’s academic performance and peer recognition for that academic performance (see below) will constitute the principal criteria by which his/her qualification for academic promotion will be evaluated by the Department’s ARPT Committee and Department Chairperson. Academic performance, productivity and peer recognition – the amount and quality of academic work (teaching, research/scholarly work, and publications/ presentations based on that teaching, research/scholarly work, and/or clinical expertise) that a faculty member in the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track must provide and the peer recognition he/she must receive because of this academic performance and/or his/her attained level of clinical expertise. These factors will constitute the principal criteria by which a faculty member’s qualification for academic promotion in the Non- Tenure Clinical Service Track will be evaluated by the Department’s ARPT and Department Chairperson. A faculty member who holds an academic appointment in the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track and desires promotion in academic rank must demonstrate a certain amount and quality of academic performance, production, and peer recognition that is commensurate with the desired faculty rank to merit that promotion. The following paragraphs provide specific Departmental Guidelines for each of these three factors.




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