There are a number of things an individual must be able to document to be able to obtain and retain a clinical faculty appointment in the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track. These factors include but are not limited to the following: Professional licensure Each ophthalmologist (M.D. or D.O.) who has or desires a faculty appointment in the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track must obtain and maintain a valid Medical License in the State of Ohio, and each optometrist (O.D.) who has or desires a faculty appointment in the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track must obtain and maintain a valid Optometric License in the State of Ohio. Specialty certification Each ophthalmologist (M.D. or D.O.) who has or desires a faculty appointment in the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track must possess (or be able to demonstrate that he/she is in the process of obtaining) subspecialty certification by the American Board of Ophthalmology and then must retain that subspecialty certification through recertification (if the certification is time-limited). Professional malpractice insurance Each ophthalmologist (M.D. or D.O.) and optometrist (O.D.) who holds a faculty appointment in the Volunteer Track must possess an appropriate level of professional malpractice insurance for his professional category and type of practice. Hospital staff privileges Each ophthalmologist (M.D. or D.O.) and each optometrist (O.D.) who has or desires a faculty appointment in the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track must obtain and retain an appropriate category of staff membership at the relevant hospital(s) of the UC Academic Health Center (i.e., The University Hospital/UC Health, including the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, West Chester Hospital, The Daniel Drake Center, the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, and the Cincinnati VA Hospital) that allows him/her to teach and provide patient care at that hospital and any of its satellite facilities. Compliance Each ophthalmologist (M.D. or D.O.) and each optometrist (O.D.) who has or desires a faculty appointment in the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track must comply (or agree to comply) with all rules, regulations, policies, and procedures of the UC College of Medicine and its Department of Ophthalmology, including (but not limited to) provisions for annual training courses (e.g., blood borne pathogens), annual tuberculosis testing, and annual Faculty Performance Evaluation by the Chairperson of the Department. P ROGRAM P ARTICIPATION The Department of Ophthalmology has established the following participation guidelines for clinical faculty members holding a faculty appointment in the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track. As indicated above, these guidelines for program participation must be met for the faculty member to be eligible to retain his/her appointment at his/her current academic rank in this track and/or merit promotion to a higher academic rank; however, provision of the required amount of program participation is not sufficient to merit promotion in academic rank. The principal criteria upon which a faculty member’s qualification for promotion in academic rank will be determined by the Departmental ARPT Committee and Department Chairperson will be Academic Performance, Productivity and Peer Recognition for that Academic Performance and Clinical Expertise (see below). 1. Patient care and service All faculty members who hold an academic appointment in the Non-Tenure Clinical Service Track must provide ophthalmic patient care and service (M.D.s and D.O.s) or optometric patient care and service (O.D.s) as the major component of their faculty activities. Some of this patient care and service must be provided at one or more of the patient care facilities that make up the UC Academic Health Center (i.e., the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, West Chester Hospital, the Daniel Drake Center, the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, and the Cincinnati VA Hospital) or within a facility owned and operated by an officially affiliated entity (i.e., Cincinnati Eye Institute). All clinical faculty members in this track must be available on-call to the residents day and night regarding questions of management of patients encountered by the residents within their scope of training and service.



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