NCEA Course Booklet


Year 12

201 English: Genre Study

Prerequisites Completion of a Diploma Prep course in English or a high literacy subject in the Humanities, reaching the minimum level of Stage 3 is strongly recommended for study of English at NCEA. Students not meeting these requirements should speak to the HoD to discuss suitability of enrolment in this course. Exclusions Students can only take one Level 2 English course. Description This course examines the relationship between form and meaning in literature. Classes will study different texts, drawing on the expertise of individual teachers and playing to the strengths of the students in the group, but all will spend time looking at the language and structure of the texts they study. Boys will be encouraged to investigate the concerns of a particular genre of literature, and reflect on its power both to reflect and also shape society. Students in this course will produce a portfolio of crafted writing, study a novel or extended written text and a range of shorter written texts and visual material.

Assessment This course contributes towards NCEA Level 2, with between 18 and 23 credits. The specific standards may vary by class. The English department will discuss this with students who opt into 201 English. The following Achievement Standards will generally be assessed: • AS 91098 (4 credits – external) Analyse specified aspect(s) of studied written text(s). • AS 91099 (4 credits – external) Analyse specified aspect(s) of studied visual text(s). • AS 91100 (4 credits – external) Analyse specified aspect(s) of unfamiliar written text(s). • AS 91101 (6 credits – internal) Produce a selection of crafted and controlled writing. • AS 91102 (3 credits – internal) Construct and deliver a crafted and controlled oral presentation. • AS 91104 (4 credits – internal) Analyse significant connections across texts, supported by evidence.

NB: While English is optional at Years 12–13, students thinking about pursuing tertiary studies should bear in mind that NCEA Level 3 English is often an entry requirement into university courses – even in science-based disciplines like engineering or medicine. Students considering studying in England, Australia or the USA will need to complete Level 3 English as a university entrance requirement.

44 NCEA Course Booklet 2024

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