

Why is so much emphasis placed on tooth brushing and flossing? Because oral health is directly linked to our general health and well-being. It is also a well known fact that dental disease can take a heavy toll, both financially and socially; treatments can be very costly, bad breath can put off our friends, and toothaches can cause absenteeism from work or school. Dental health involves all aspects of the health and functioning of the mouth. In addition to allowing us to talk and eat, our mouths must also fight against infections that cause tooth decay, inflammation of the gums, tooth loss, and bad breath. So how can you ensure good oral health for you and your family? The first step is to make sure that very young children do not get into the habit of having a bottle of milk, fruit juice, or a sweet drink before going to bed. These sugary drinks stay coated on the teeth for long periods of time and can lead to tooth decay.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and, if possible, floss them once a day. You should also visit your dentist about every six months for a check-up. Oral health professionals have an important part to play in maintaining dental health as well as treating and preventing associated problems. Schools also have a role in raising children’s awareness of the importance of a healthy diet and good oral hygiene.

So, take care of your teeth and dazzle the world with your beautiful smile!

VISIT AN ORAL HEALTH SPECIALIST: YOUR DENTIST Maintaining healthy teeth and gums means working closely with your dentist. Regular dental check-ups allow this special- ist to detect any problems and take the necessary preventive measures to keep them under control. A thorough cleaning takes up a major part of a visit to the dentist, but it’s worth every second of your time. Indeed, pro- fessional cleaning is vital in the prevention of gum disease, one of the most common problems in adults. Some stains can also be removed during this procedure and the appearance of your teeth improved. During the examination it’s possible that fluoride in the form of a gel or foam will be applied to your teeth in order to help prevent tooth decay.

Josée Pozzebon, R.D.H. Hygiéniste dentaire Dental hygienist

During a check-up, let your dentist know about any change in the general state of your health. For example, your dental health might be affected if you’re pregnant, if you’ve started taking medica- tions since your last visit, or if you suffer from allergies. Your dentist watches out for signs and symptoms of gum dis- ease, cavities, infections, the wearing down of tooth enam- el due to teeth grinding, and any other problem that could be harmful to your health.

Tel. 613 851-1973 3, rue St-Pierre St., Bourget ON K0A 1E0

Many modern dental clinics are equipped for tooth restoration and replacement. If you’re missing one or several teeth, your dentist will offer advice on the best way for you to prevent long term jawbone deterioration and the shifting of teeth. He or she might suggest a bridge, prosthesis, implants, or some other long-term plan for care. Your dentist knows all the different treatments that are avail- able to you and can help you make the right dental care choices. He or she could refer you to a denturist if you need a dental prosthesis, to an orthodontist if you have an anomaly in the positioning or alignment of your teeth or jaw, or to a periodontist if you have a periodontal disease.

Services disponibles : • Nettoyage professionnel de dents • Évaluation parodontale • Évaluation complète de la santé orale • Programme de maintenance personalisé à domicile • Blanchiment de dents • Protecteurs buccaux, désensibilisant et fluorure • Référence chez un dentiste et spécialistes dentaires APPELEZ DÈS MAINTENANT POUR CÉDULER UN RENDEZVOUS!

Available services: • Professional teeth cleaning • Periodontal assessment

• Comprehensive oral health assessment • Personalized home maintenance program • Professional teeth whitening • Custom sports guards • Dental sealants,

desensitizers and fluoride • Referrals to dentists and



dental specialists CALL TODAY


Dr. Jean-Marc Racine et associés au service des gens de la région depuis 21 ans.

Dr. Denise Moison Dental surgeon / Chirurgien dentiste 2911, rue Laurier, 2e étage, Place Laurier, Rockland ON •Tél. : 613 446-DENT (3368) •Téléc. : 613 446-5006 LES MALADIES DE LA GENCIVE « Mais ça ne me fait pas mal… » Souvent, c’est la réponse qu’on me donne lorsque j’annonce à un patient qu’on doit traiter ses gencives. Petit problème… on ne peut se fier à la douleur comme avertissement, car, souvent, les infections de gencive surviennent lentement et sans douleur. COMMENCONS DU DÉBUT… L’os et la gencive tiennent la dent en place. Une gencive saine est rosée et ferme. L’os est juste sous celle-ci. Lorsque la plaque (une accumulation de nourrite et de bactéries) s’insère sous la gencive, elle durcit et devient du tarte. Lâ, à l’abris de la brosse à dents, ces bactéries détrisent la gencive, la rendant rougeâtre et saignante. Elle se décolle de la dent et forme une poche qui abrite plus de bactéries. Le cercle vicieux se perpétue. Si celles-ci ne sont pas nettoyées à leur pleine profondeur, le niveau de l’os diminue et la perte des dents peut en résulter. Afin d’éviter un tel résultat et de maintenir de gencives saines, voici quelques suggestions. 1. bien se brosser les dents et passer la soie dentaire. 2. avoir en nettoyage professionnel aux 6 mois, 4 mois ou 3 mois selon l‘état de ses gencives. 3. s’alimenter de facon équilibrée. 4. ne pas fumer SIGNES ET SYMPTÖMES : • gencives gonflées, rougeâtres qui saignent parfois au brossage ou à la soie dentaire • mauvaise haleine • sensation de douleur ou de pression entre les dents, après les repas. Dr. Eric Lavergne Dental surgeon / Chirurgien dentiste

NOUVEAU SERVICE À BOURGET! Mise en place d’implants ainsi que les couronnes/prothèses sur implants! Dr.MatthewHealyagraduéavecdistinctionde l’UniversitédeMontréalen2011.Récipiendaire de prix académiques, dont celui offert par l’Association Americaine des Chirurgiens Maxillofacials, il vise continuellement le dépassement professionnel. Il suit présentement un cours intensifen Implantologie,offertpar l’institutTIDE (Toronto InstitueofDentalExcellence). Dansson temps libre,Dr.Healyaimebien joueraugolfetauhockey.

2115, rue Laval, Bourget ON 613 487-2740

Heures d’ouverture : Lundi à jeudi : 8 h à 21 h Vendredi : 8 h à 16 h

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