History | Hitori The abuse of power
The people at war War may seem glorious, and is often remembered for its bravery and valour. The purpose of this course is to find the similarities and differences in how and why wars are conducted, while investigating the impact on those left at home. This course also looks at what is remembered about war, and what gets forgotten. Recommended for students interested in war and conflict as well as how people act in times of conflict. It is also helpful for those interested in the legal profession.
How do dictatorships begin? Why do they keep happening? Students investigate the rise of leaders who use and abuse their positions for their own personal, ethnic or national ambition. From Hitler to Hussein, Mussolini to Mao, discover the desires and directions dictators take, and the impact of this on ordinary people. Recommended for students interested in leadership and how individual leaders assert their influence and impact on people. It is also helpful for those interested in the legal profession.
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