Year 11 Course Booklet

Health and Wellbeing | Hauora

By the end of Year 11, you must complete a course in Health Education and a course in Wellbeing Education. For Year 11, you will be assigned to the following two classes:

Health Education

Wellbeing Education

Year 11 MINDfit Within the Year 11 MINDfit programme, students continue to work on the key areas of wellbeing education introduced in Years 9–10. Students focus on how to develop a growth mindset and build strategies for resilience and grit. Mental health, stress, sleep, and self-care are key areas of focus at this level.

Year 11 Health Within the Year 11 health programme, students develop skills that help them navigate a changing and challenging world. Students will examine influences on their wellbeing, and have the opportunity to implement strategies to maintain wellbeing. Students will develop critical-thinking skills in relation to sexuality and positive relationships, investigate and understand their rights and responsibilities in sexual relationships and how consent and the law work. Students will explore and investigate nutritional issues related to youth in New Zealand and globally. Students will also examine social justice and the various inequalities that exist in New Zealand and the global society.

14 Year 11 Course Booklet 2025

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