The Humanities | Aronui
By the end of Year 11, you must have completed one core course in each of The Humanities subjects. You may choose any prep course.
Commerce | Hoko Ta¯pui
Prep Students may take one or both prep courses. Accounting An introduction to the fundamentals of the accounting cycle. Students learn how to process accounting information, both manually and using a software package. They also produce financial information to be able to analyse in order to support the decisions of an organisation. Prerequisite for: Level 2 Accounting Economics An introduction to the fundamentals of micro and macroeconomics. Microeconomics analyses why consumers and producers behave the way they do. Why will a consumer pay $200 for a pair of shoes but will not pay more than $5 for a breakfast bun? Macroeconomics focuses on the big New Zealand picture. Why are house prices so high? What effect does the minimum wage have? How can we make the economy grow? Prerequisite for: an advantage for taking Economics, Agribusiness, or Business and Enterprise at Level 2, but not required.
Business, innovation and enterprise An applied course that combines the foundations of Business, Accounting and Economics, it uses a practical applied lens. Students work as a group to set up a business to sell a product/service on a small scale at the school trade fair. Recommended for students who enjoy working with others to develop Commerce theory and bring it to reality by trying to start your business and sell your product/service. Decisions, decisions, decisions A combined Commerce course that touches on the foundations of Business, Economics and Accounting through the lens of decision-making. It covers several areas: how to process information to see how profitable a business is, how to explain consumer and producer behaviour, how to develop a product's marketing strategy. Recommended for students who enjoy Commerce but would prefer not to carry out their ideas in a practical context and sell their product.
16 Year 11 Course Booklet 2025
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