Big Bend Road PLAT Study

6. Long Range Plans 6.1 Future Land Use and Planned Development

Future land use in the study area is depicted in Figure 20. Table 5 details the percentages of each future land use within the study area. Although the existing and future land use categories do not correspond with each other directly there are some important differences to note. Existing land use includes approximately 25% agricultural, but future land use indicates 0% agricultural. Combined light and heavy industrial is currently 4% and is planned to be 25% in the future. Future land use designations indicate that community mixed use, urban mixed use and suburban mixed use will constitute a larger portion of the study area adjacent to Big Bend Road. These uses, especially Community and Urban Mixed-uses with between 12 and 20 units per acre, will bring higher density than existing conditions. Light and Heavy Industrial will make up much of the study area west of the CSX rail line. Distinct areas of office, commercial, and residential uses will comprise the eastern portion of the study area. Public and natural preservation land uses in the corridor will remain unchanged.

Table 5. Future Land Use


Description Agricultural



Community Mixed Use - 12


Heavy Industrial Light Industrial



Natural Preservation Office Commercial

6% 3% 7% 1% 1%

Public / Quasi-Public Research Corporate Park

Residential - 20 Residential - 4 Residential - 6 Residential - 9


4% 1%

Suburban Mixed Use - 6 Urban Mixed Use - 20

15% 11%



The Hillsborough County Transit Right of Way preservation corridor map identifies the CSX railroad corridor, which crosses Big Bend Road, as a Transit Right of Way Preservation Corridor. The Hillsborough County Corridor Preservation Plan (Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan) identifies right-of-way requirements, general alignments and standards for all transportation corridors primarily within the Urban Service area to support development patterns as defined in the Future Land Use Element for a 30-year timeframe. Outside of the current PD&E segment, Hillsborough County is considering options to widen Big Bend Road from US41 to Covington Gardens Drive and from Simmons Loop to US301, as consistent with Map 25 of the Corridor Preservation Plan.


Hillsborough County • October 2019

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