May, 1942
Bible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE
of the inability of new workers to reach Africa, special prayer be offered t h a t God will thrust forth native evangelists who have a real zeal for Him. Mr. and Mrs. Kroeker have two sons, Clement and Philip. Ordinations Coy Maret, ’35, 2001 So. Burch, Santa Ana, Calif., pastor of the Silver Acres Community Church, was ordained on March 10 on the recommendation of Calvary Church of Santa Ana, of which he has been a member. Roy V. Nelson, ’40, was ordained to the gospel ministry on March 6 at the First Baptist Church, La Mesa, Calif., where he is pastor. Married Thormad A. C o o k and Bertha L. L 1n d 1e y, ’41, March 28, Hermosa Beach, Calif. Henry Isaacs and Margaret E. Klie wer, ’35, March 20, Bakersfield, Calif. Albert J. Kleinsasser and Helen A. Wiens, ’36, Apr. 11, Dinuba, Calif. Leslie Howard Standlea and Marion Eyvonne Betz, Apr. 2, Upland, Calif. Bom To Willard M. and Mrs. A l d r i c h (Doris Coffin, ’30), a daughter, Rebecca Ann, March 24, Vancouver, Wash. To M a r v i n (’39) and Mrs. Dick (Elizabeth L. Voth), a son, Paul Mar vin, Mar. 15, Hayfork, Calif. To William A. and Mrs. Goold (Mar jory L. Thomson, ’39), a daughter, Chelsea Louise, March 25, San Diego, Calif. With the Lord Martha C. Pohnert, '13, was taken to be “with Christ” on March 26, in Philadelphia, Pa. She had lived in Pasadena much of the time after her return from the work she conducted in China from 1914 to 1929, under the Ebenezer Mission and after her later service in Alaska where her leadership in faithful missionary activity was used of the Lord in leading several other workers to that field. Miss Poh- nert’s sister, Mrs. F. F. Vaughan, has been living in Cando, N. Dak. John Wells, of 114 So. Hudson Ave., Pasadena, Calif., and one time on the Board of Directors of the Bible Insti tute of Los A n g e l e s , was called “Home” on January 11, 1942, to be "forever with the Lord” whom he so dearly loved and l o n g e d to see. Throughout the eighty-five years of his life, this faithful servant of God in love and humbleness of m i n d walked in the footsteps of his Lord who “ came not to be ministered unto, but to minister.” Mr. Wells continu ally endeavored to be “faithful in that which is least.”
Orville E. and Mrs. Hurd (’39) and their little son Jamie are living in Kelsey, Calif., and are engaged in home missionary work u n d e r the American Sunday School Union. They went to New York last fall In the hope of sailing for Africa under the Sudan Interior Mission, but United States passports at that time were granted only to the Mission’s nurses, doctors, and a printer. Don M. and Mrs. Allen have been rejoicing in their service in the Ha- venscourt Colonial Church, Oakland, Calif., where Mr. Allen Is Assistant Pastor to Baldwin Sherwin, pastor of the church. Benjamin B. Hinkson (’36), pastor of the First Baptist Church of St. John, Kans., concluded a two-weeks’ Bible Crusade with the First Baptist Church of Phillipsburg, Kans., where D. J. Hinkson, ’34, is pastor. Large crowds heard the study messages on the Ephesian Epistle and the evangel istic sermons. There were twenty-five additions to the church,” twenty by baptism. Don Herring, 1927 Beverly Wa y , Long Beach, Calif., has contracted a lung Infection and will be required to stay in bed for an indefinite period of time. The officers of the Biola Alumni Association and the committee for the establishment of Biola alumni chapters cordially invite inquiries and correspondence from any alumni, any where, who would like to have a Biola chapter but who lack suggestions as to how to proceed. They add: “Biola is still the center of the map and welcomes letters from alumni!” Word from Missionaries Robert Chrisman, of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Bangkok, Thailand, has been interned w i t h seventy-four other Americans. Through the State Department a! message came in February that they were well. Mrs. Chrisman (Esther Ender, ’27) and the children reached America six weeks before the war broke, and they have learned that Mr. Chrisman re ceived word of their safe arrival. Katherine Baerg, ’28, who left Suma tra in the m i d d l e of December, reached New York on March 28. The p a r t y included also the following families: A. E. Mitchells, Morkens, Isbills, and Armstrongs. Abraham F. (’31) and Mrs. Kroeker (Mary Neufeld, ’30), who have been s e r v i n g under the Unevangelized Tribes Mission at Iwungu, Kikwit, Congo Beige, Africa, urge that in view
Here and There In America Hugh H. (’25) and Mrs. F o u c a r (Elizabeth Neely, ’25) and their son Teddy have been located in recent months at Louisville, Ky., where Mr. Foucar has been atténding the South ern Baptist Theological Seminary. On February 27, he passed his examina tions for the d e g r e e of Doctor of Theology, and the degree is to be con ferred at graduation time, May 8. Mr. Foucar was called back to his former field at Redondo Beach, and has been preaching in the First Baptist Church there in recent toeeks. William B. Leonard, Jr., has been attending Faith Theological Semi nary, Wilmington, Del. John E. and Mrs. Kullberg (Willa- bell Bigelow, ’32), 620 Garfield St., Laramie, Wyo., have moved from Bur lington, Iowa, to Laramie, where Mr. Kullberg is' pastor of the First Cove nant Church. Oscar E. Sanden,. ’23, De Ridder, La., has given up his pastoral work to take his messages on the correla tion of science and religion into an evangelistic ministry in Army camps and in evangelistic seiyices in church es. He requests special prayer for this difficult work. W. E. Kliewer, ’22, who is a Doctor of Chiropractic, announced the open ing of his offices on March 5 at 459 So. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, Calif. Carl S. Jordan, ’36, has been serv ing as Assistant Superintendent of the Sailors’ Rest Mission, 430 S. Beacon St., San Pedro, Calif., a work spon sored by the S o u t h e r n California Floating Christian Endeavor Associa tion. The Mission reports a very busy year, with men crowding the avail able accommodations, and with en couraging spiritual results. GEORGE S. SCHULER’S Radio Piano Transcriptions (sheet music) '‘Jesus Lover of My Soul”—"More Love to Thee” “ Lead Kindly Light”—"Joy t‘o the World” Every Church and Evangelistic Pianist should be playing these Classic .arrange ments. Piano teachers, attention! 36c Each D£ f Gospel Music 7 ^ k- Morisum Danger Greater! The Utah Gospel Mission of Cleveland. O., is almost the only chance for over <00,000 Western souls 'to get Bibl 6 trtrths replacing their vicious doctrines. Able, single men wanted for this auto wagon work; any effective age; fair training; yearly periods. Write for details and free quaiv terly with list of tracts, etc., with which to hinder Mormon proselyting in.your locality. Ad dress at 9277 Amesbury Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.
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