METHODS: 1. Field trips 2. Lecture 3. Audio-visual aids 4. Exhibits 5. Discussion 6. Research projects 7. Case study 8. Writing assignment 9. Demonstration 10. Role-playing 11. Practice teaching 12. Role reversal role-playing 13. Permissive discussion 14. Assignments 15. Biographical reading 16. Interviews 17. Purposeful reading 18. Recitation 19. Laboratory group analysis
In which educational category did your lesson from last Sunday fall? ......................................................................................... Which method did you use? ................................................... 19. How many books dealing with teaching have you read during the past year? ............................................................ How many magazines? ............................................................ 20. What Scripture verses would you use in leading a person to Christ? (Please answer without looking in the Bible.) 21. Please answer the following questions by writing down
the first response that comes to mind: 1. As a teacher I wish I were . . . 2. As a teacher I wish I could . . . 3. I wish my students would . . . 4. I wish my students would not . . . 5. I wish my lesson would . . . 6. In teaching I am most frustrated when . . . 7. In teaching I am happiest when . . .
8. If I could ask Jesus Christ to help me change one item or thing about my teaching, it would be . . . Now that you have completed this test, you may see that a Sunday School teacher has to have an adequate understanding of the learning-teaching process. Perhaps you have never been asked some of these questions before. They are crucial. You may want to discuss the test and your answers with some other teachers. You may also want to explore seriously these questions and consider the entire scope of teaching methods. If so, there are several alternatives open to you: 1.) Read 2.) Enroll in a teacher-training course 3.) Meet regularly with other teachers to study and discuss how to reach your students. To assist you with your continuing study, a new pamphlet entitled TEACHING METHODS— LEARNING PRINCIPLES— RESOURCES FOR TEACHERS has been prepared. This pamphlet lists 100 teach ing methods and aids, indicates the age group that they are best suited for, and gives the most help ful resources to turn to for complete assistance in learning how to use them. A bibliography and the answers to the test tha t you have just complet ed are part of this pamphlet. Please write to Inno vations in Learning, % King’s Business, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, Calif. 90638. Enclose a self- addressed, legal-size, stamped 12 cent, envelope. This pamphlet will be sent to you. ■ FEBRUARY, 1970
1 0DAY, AS NEVER BEFORE in nineteen hundred years of church history, the Biblical doctrine of creation is being re-interpreted out of rec ognition, even by some who profess to be loyal to Christ and His Word. Yet the events of tha t all- important week of earth history are not left to the mere interpretive whims of men who would read nito them ideas tha t are currently popular among secular scientists. The Bible does provide keys for its own interpretation, and this is especially true with regard to the events of the early chapters of Genesis. the Events of Creation Week? If we would understand something of the meth ods God employed in creating the earth and living things, we must observe carefully the methods which Christ performed in performing His crea tive miracles while on earth. For the Gospel of John states specifically that He "manifested his glory, and his disciples believed on him” when he created wine out of mere water (John 2:11). In the previous chapter, John had explained tha t “all things were made through him” (1:3), and when 25 How Do Christ’s Miracles Illustrate
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