Lasertherapyusesaprocesscalledphotobiomodulation. Unlike medications, laser therapy reduces pain without undesirablesideeffects. It isalso important topointout that patients report long-lasting pain relief. While the number of treatments required may vary depending on the acuity of the condition, many patients experience lasting relief after only a couple treatments. With LightForce lasers, treatments are quick, usually 5-12 minutes depending on the size, depth, and acuteness of the condition being treated.
Improve Your Posture At Home
There are ways that you can improve your posture at home, as well. Here are several strategies that are typically helpful: •Try tostand tallwheneveryouarestandingorwalking.Holdyourheadhighandsquare your shoulders, but more importantly work on being the tallest version of yourself. Hunching over is the leading cause of poor posture. •Usesupportwhenyousit tokeepyourposturecorrect.Lumbarsupport inofficechairs and car seats will help a bit, but for improved posture you may need to add additional cushioning that will help you keep your back straight. • Be mindful of how you lift heavy objects. Keep your shoulders square and your chest forward. When lifting something that is over 50 lbs it is important to take extra care. Lead with your hips and try to keep the weight close to your body. Lifting something improperly can lead to injury to your neck or back, which may make proper posture uncomfortable. WhatcanGoodPosturedoforYou? Therearea lotofbenefitsofhavinggoodposture. Aside from saying goodbye to neck or back pain, improving your posture can provide several unexpected benefits to your lifestyle and personal well-being. Here are a few of the additional benefits of having good posture: • Proper posture creates quality exercise for your core and back • Improved respiratory health • Added protection for your organs, bones, joints and muscles • Reduced risk of arthritis If you are experiencing chronic neck and back pain, there is a good chance that it couldberelated toyourposture.Contactyourphysical therapist to learnmoreabout how you can take steps to start improving your posture today.
Back Pain Neck Pain Shoulder Pain
Foot Pain Knee Pain Post Surgery
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