CCI Newsletter 3 - 2021-2022

Event Recap

Since we were last together, in the pages of this publication, we have been inspired and shared amazing expertise from our presenters.


Human Rights, Diversity and Inclusion: Acceptance Empowers! November 30th, 2021


There isn ’ t a day that goes by that we don ’ t hear or read of concerns relating to human rights, lack of diversity or where some part of society has been ignored and discriminated against, each of them creating a negative image and creating adverse environments in the workplace, community or industry. We encourage everyone to visit these organizations ’ websites to see how London provides community support and advance the positive changes we need to create a strong and inclusive community. We can all learn something valuable from each of our experienced presenters to help us do our part better in implementing support and positive change to include ALL of our neighbours. Kinga Koltun, Supervisor of Policy and Strategic Issues with the City of London shared how Londoners will have access to the supports they need, here is a link to the City of London ’ s Strategic Plan—their vision, mission and values. For more, visit here . As well, Kinga shared the City of London ’ s implementation of the Community Diversity and Inclusion (CDIS) which was launched in May 2019 and how you might help in any one of the working groups. Kristin Ley, Partner with Cohen Highley LLP practices in the area of Administrative Law with a focus on Human Rights and Residential Tenancies and handles regulatory matters involving municipal by - laws, the Fire Code and Building Code. Huda A. Hussein, Coordinator for the London and Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership (LMLIP) David Hill, New Vision Advocates and member of the Board of Community Living London and the Board of Community Living Ontario, is a strong advocate for people with developmental disabilities. Real life stories work to build a voice and presence in the community for those who should have the same rights as everyone else and the importance of inclusion regardless of their abilities deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. It is about making change. For more on the New Vision Advocates, refer to their Resource Guide here. It is so relevant for us to recognize the awesome backgrounds and participation our presenters assume in our community and the importance of the messages they shared with us to adopt.


CCI Review 2021/2022 —March 2022 - 14

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