Many states do not allow you to collect
File to receive unemployment benefits Unemployment benefits are a valuable resource that can help to cushion the financial impact of an unexpected job loss, and should not be overlooked. The unemployment system can be complicated to navigate, and there are rules associated with applying for, and maintaining, benefits. Here are some general guidelines to get you started.
unemployment benefits if you are receiving income that exceeds a certain amount—including severance pay in the form of salary continuation— so check with your local unemployment agency for your state-specific rules.
n Plans are established on a state- by-state basis. Operating within federally established guidelines, each state independently administers its own laws and criteria for determining eligibility, benefit amount, and duration, so consult your local unemployment agency for details about your own state’s plan. n Eligibility is determined after filing. File for unemployment benefits immediately after losing your job, even if you are not sure of your eligibility. You are generally eligible to collect unemployment if you are unemployed through no fault or choice of your own. However, if you voluntarily quit your
n Benefit amount and duration vary by state. The maximum weekly benefit will vary by
state, but for those who qualify, unemployment compensation is generally equal to about half of what was earned at your former job. Weekly benefits may be higher if you have a dependent spouse or child. Unemployment benefits usually last from 12-26 weeks, but extensions may be granted in certain situations.
job, were terminated for cause, or are self-employed, you are generally ineligible.
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