2023 APEGA Annual Report

Trust & Relevance

“I want to teach my students strong, fundamental knowledge and critical-thinking skills—and the ability to continually learn.” – Dr. Mohammad Moshirpour, P.Eng., Excellence in Education Award recipient

Ulrich (Rick) Hermann, P.Eng., for optimizing construction processes to increase worksite safety and allocate resources more effectively. FRANK SPRAGINS TECHNICAL AWARD Jeff MacDonald, P.Eng., for elevating mentorship in the engineering profession and nurturing the leaders and mentors of the future. OUTSTANDING MENTOR AWARD Carbon Management Canada Newell County Facility, for solidifying Alberta as a leader in carbon capture and sequestration research and industry innovation. PROJECT ACHIEVEMENT AWARD

Dr. Lina Kattan, P.Eng., for designing revolutionary transportation systems and leveraging technology to build more sustainable, livable cities. RESEARCH EXCELLENCE AWARD

Alberta Women’s Science Network Equitable Scholarship Program, for setting new inclusivity standards that redefined how its STEM scholarships are awarded. WOMEN IN ENGINEERING & GEOSCIENCE CHAMPION AWARD

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