22B — July 26 - August 15, 2013 — Green Buildings — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
G reen B uildings
Attention Property Managers Promote your Company, Projects and Expertise contact Steve for more info: skelley@marejournal.com
To offer energy reduction services Barish of NAP & BCEDC announce partnership
ewtown, PA — The Bucks County Economic Develop-
partnership extends savings on electricity supply, renewable energy and energy efficiency lighting and mechanical solu- tions. Through the energy supplier partnership, Bucks County businesses are averag- ing 20% savings off their elec- tricity supply compared to their current utility rate. NAP will work individually with the 1100 - plus Bucks County businesses to customize a program to save money and use less energy. NAP can turn your monthly electric bill into a competi- tive advantage for you by us- He has been recognized as an expert in NJ & federal environmental laws/rules pertinent to the practice of real estate brokerage, land use, and commercial real estate property. Richardson welcomes the opportunity to address your group on a wide variety of topics geared toward clarifi- cation and discussion of the
ing a customized approach to electricity procurement and management. NAP offers a variety of energy products for businesses of any size and pro- vides unparalleled expertise in choosing the right energy product to fit your risk and price preference. • No switching fees • No visit required • No interruption in power delivery • Same reliable delivery service from your utility. n impact of New Jersey De- partment of Environmental Protection Site Remediation Reform Act (SRRA) on busi- ness including real estate transactions, environmen- tal insurance, relationships with consultants, ethics, and continuing obligation for re- mediation. To schedule a presentation visit the EWMA website. n Changing Energy Suppliers is Easy
ment Cor- p o r a t i o n ( B C E D C ) and Lonnie Ba r i s h o f New Amer- ica Power (NAP) an- n o un c e d a partnership to offer elec-
Lonnie Barish
tric supply and energy efficien- cy solutions to Bucks County businesses. BCEDC and NAP
EWMA’s Richardson approved as NJ Real Estate Continuing Education instructor
Parsippany, NJ — Don Richardson, CPG , VP of Environmental Waste
M a n a g e - ment Asso- ciates, LLC ( E W M A ) has been ap- proved as a New Jersey Real Estate Continuing Education Instructor.
Building a greener city begins with a strong foundation.
Energy Efficiency Spotlight August 30 Deadline: August 16 Green Building Services Spotlight Sept. 27 Deadline: Sept. 13 EDitoriAl DEADlinES ArE 14 DAyS Prior to PuBlicAtion DAtE
Commercial space accounts for more than half of the total
building energy consumption in Philadelphia. Last year,
City Council passed legislation requiring all large non-residential
commercial buildings to annually benchmark and report energy
and water use. Benchmarking building energy consumption Deadline July 12, 2013 800-584-1062 will give us a solid foundation to build upon as we continue to transform Philadelphia into America’s greenest city. The deadline to comply with the City of Philadelphia Building
Energy Benchmarking Ordinance is
October 31, 2013 .
Editorial Requirements: Press releases and announcements: 250 words with photo. Expert articles: 460 words with photo. Expert articles (for spotlights): 500 words with photo.
To learn more about the ordinance and how to comply,
www.phila.gov/benchmarking .
Mid Atlantic R eal e state J ouRnal , P.O. Box 26 Accord, MA 02018 312 Market St., Rockland, MA 02370 (overnight) Phone: 800-584-1062 ext. 206 or 781-871-5298 skelley@marejournal.com • marejournal.com
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