

“We need to find another way”

that direct members to participate in an illegal strike,” the school board says in a statement. “The case is not about whether the union’s communication was effective. It is not about whether teach- ers followed the union’s directive. It is not about whether the teachers are partici- pating in voluntary activities. Chair (Ber- nard )Fishbein’s decision will apply to the applicant boards and will have significant impact on other boards throughout the province.” In his blog chair Greg Pietersma writes, “Our school board has been dedicated to representing the communities’ need to have a full, world-class education for our students.” He continues: “We are determined to exercise, protect and enhance local au- tonomy. That includes ensuring that actions taken that disrupt the normal operation of the school board, withstand legal tests. We are committed to local bar- gaining. We concur with the unions that the government’s involvement in our col- lective bargaining process has sabotaged it. Our students need for us to have the opportunity to continue to modernize the contracts through local bargaining.” Pietersma observes, “Activities that are voluntary are just that, voluntary. It is our responsibility as employers to ensure that our staff can make the decision to vol- unteer free from directives and recrim- ination. The core complaint in our filing to the OLRB is that the union acted in a concerted fashion to disrupt the normal operation of the School Board. That is the test of what constitutes a strike under the Education Act. I invite feedback from those that are inspired to react negatively towards what we are doing, and those that support us. We need a better way. Continuing this 20th century paradigm of union/employer relations is going to keep us on the radar of the provincial politicians. We don’t need them. School boards (through the Ontario Public School Boards Association) and unions invested a lot in the Liberal government, only to be abandoned. This was obvious when they sent bankruptcy lawyers to deliver their negotiating position (I am being charitable to call it negotiating) last spring. We need to find another way. My school board wants to be part of that. “


The Upper Canada District School Board hopes to receive a ruling today (February 1) on the complaint it has filed with the Ontario Labour Relations Board against the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario. The UCDSB and Trillium Lakelands District Board of Education argue that with the exis- tence of a collective agreement, the union’s direction to withdraw from voluntary activi- ties constitutes an illegal strike. “While there have been many broader legal issues presented, such as whether the collective agreements continue to ex- ist with the repeal of Bill 115, this case is strictly about the union communications GREGG CHAMBERLAIN GREGG.CHAMBERLAIN@EAP.ON.CA Counties salute flag idea L’ORIGNAL | It will soon be time to rally ‘round the flag at the United Counties office. The United Counties of Prescott-Russell council (UCPR) gave its unanimous nod of approval to creating an official flag for the Prescott-Russell region. The de- cision to create a regional flag is part of the UCPR’s new official protocol for the display of flags at the counties office in L’Orignal. The official UCPR flag will display the corporate logo with the words “Prescott” and “Russell” in company with maple leaf. The flag colours of green and brown, tak- en from the official logo, will represent agriculture and the Earth, “the very char- acter and essence of our region” accord- ing to the counties administration report.

Photo soumise

Une maison sur le chemin Harrington dans la municipalité de Grenville-sur-la-Rouge a été la proie des flammes samedi matin. L’incendie, qui a commencé vers 8 h, a dé- truit une rallonge de la résidence qui appartient à la famille d’Alexander Bates. Les pertes sont évaluées à environ 50 000 $ à 60 000 $, selon le chef pompier de Gren- ville-sur-la-Rouge, Marc Montpetit. La cause n’est pas déterminée.

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