

know that in 1950, the big stink in

after politicians,” says Tom Esliger. “It is



business as usual on Good Friday? At the


same time, there were concerns about the


futureofthelocalbaseballteam.Youcan just


imagine the hard-boiled hack who pounded

a pictorial tribute to some “real pioneers,”

out those stories on a manual typewriter,

James McEvoy, and his wife, Bridget Kelly,


who arrived fromKing’s County, Ireland in

a fedora perched on his head.


But, we digressed, did we not?

The spirit of the pioneers

acre farm in what was then Grenville

While research is usually a solitary and




the most popular leisure time pursuits in

roads, lakes after pioneer families. If it is

of the general public sporadically, usually

who live on McEvoy Road, and Normand

the world.

ever built, the new town hall could have a

when an anniversary rolls around.

Délisle are the Grenville-sur-la-Rouge

This trend may reflect a lot of factors –

spot where themunicipality’s history could


heritage committee.

parish in L’Orignal is celebrating its 175 th

the population is aging, the winters are

be highlighted.

In a way, they are blazing trails

getting longer, more people are computer

There are plans to research the Campbell

anniversary. As is customary, a committee is

themselves, initiating a grass-roots

and Internet savvy, research is addictive.

clan while Normand Délisle continues to

preparing a book recounting the salient

movement that will eventually lead to a

The search for insight into our ancestors

collect more information on the Dwyers.

chapters of the village’s story. Plus, in 2012,


can be a form of escapism. The world has

He came to know theDwyer family, who

St-Bernardin will be commemorating the

those who came before us.


lived near the Rouge River from 1828 to

centennial of the foundation of its parish.

The trio’s first concrete accomplishment

Thesewords are being produced on a piece

1966, when he began restoring the family’s

Let us take a brief stroll down memory

is the salute to the McEvoys, whose photos

of technology which will become obsolete

abandoned log home years ago. He came


now hang in the Pointe-au-Chêne library.


across all sorts of photos, letters and cards

François Provost, from the West Indies Co.,

But this will not be the group’s last

Consider that cassettes, bulky portable

that had been left behind.

received a seigneurie of about 23,000 acres at

achievement as it strives to preserve the

phones and record players are antiques.


Pointe-à-L’Orignac on the Ottawa River,

area’s rich, and often neglected, past.

They are so 1980. Now consider howmuch

who put together an exhibition recounting

according to the L’Orignal and Longueuil


life has evolved since 1880.

the histories of long-established families in


years back, he was one of the people who

We panic when we hear that we may be

Grenville-sur-la-Rouge. About 150 people

government separated the land in Lower

fought tooth and nail to convince Grenville-

getting 15 centimetres of snow.

came from far and wide to pore over

Canada and Upper Canada, the seigneurie



documents and photographs of the Dwyer,

was suddenly located in the newprovince of

municipal route. That experience no doubt

who arrived here and began carving out

McTague, Hall, McEvoy, McGill and

Upper Canada designated for the English

coloured his perception of politicians.

new lives in the wilderness, without the

McAndrew families.


Esliger has now begun lobbying the

benefit of the Weather Channel.


Nathaniel Hazard Treadwell, bought the

municipality to support the heritage

A digger can easily get lost in the past,

buffs to keep digging, sometimes literally.


committee’s mission. It would behoove the

whether it is accessed through cyberspace



municipality to name public places, streets,


discovered an ancient headstone that was

he encountered the usual obstacles. He ran

the more tactile and sensation-satisfying

broken and covered in moss, they got a

into zoning problems. The government of

old-fashioned paper trace.

shovel and brushes and revealed the grave

Ontario was not quick to accept regulations


A computer mouse is efficient but cold.


that had been enacted when the land was in

While going through a stack is a hands-

Of course, the Grenville-sur-la-Rouge

Québec. Then there was a war, Treadwell

on and time-consuming task, nothing can

group of three is not alone.


was deemed to be an “alien enemy” and his

match the smell and feel of old newsprint –

There are countless numbers of history

land was confiscated.

which always must be handled with care.

lovers around the globe who are constantly

Anyway, there are legions of fascinating


Yes, it is easy to lose focus and get

using every research tool available to learn




and proper that we remember these real

that dealt with old issues. Hey! Did you

is rivalling bird-watching and gardening as



PERDEZ 20 jusqu’à d’ici Pâques Résultats garantis. † livres

Conférence forestière Boisé 2011 Le samedi 2 avril 2011 de 8 h 30 à 15 h 30 Complexe J.R. Brisson Casselman

People interested in discovering

« Grâce à Herbal Magic, je sens que j’ai retrouvé ma vie! Je suis heureuse, j’ai confiance en moi et j’ai retrouvé goût à la vie! »

their roots are invited to drop by La

Seigneurie, Centre de généalogie et

d’histoire, February 26, from 10 a.m.

to 3 p.m.

Nancy a perdu 191 livres et 179 pouces. et 22 tailles de vêtements*

Volunteers will be on hand at the

centre, located at the Hawkesbury

Public Library, to greet visitors and

Vous aimeriez connaître l’état des forêts dans la région de Prescott-Russell, ou encore en savoir davantage sur les avantages économiques, les plans d’aménagement, l’impact du changement climatique sur nos forêts ou sur les crédits de carbone? Vous désirez connaître le rôle de la forêt urbaine dans la protection du couvert forestier? Eh bien, si ces sujets retiennent votre attention, cette conférence forestière s’adresse à vous! Frais d’inscription : 10 $ à l’avance ou 15 $ payable à l’entrée (donne droit au repas et à une trousse d’information). Vous inscrire avant le 20 mars 2011 auprès de l’Intendance environnementale de Prescott- Russell, C.P. 430, 31, rue St-Paul, Alfred, ON, K0B 1A0, par téléphone au 613 679-0936 ou par courriel à l’adresse suivante :

to assist them in the use of

genealogical documents. A door prize

will be drawn.

Visitors who wish to do so will

have the opportunity to join the

society while members are invited to

renew their membership.

DE VRAIS ALIMENTS CONSEILLERS PERSONNELS PRODUITS NATURELS Un système bien pensé pour une perte de poids qui dure :

Each year during February, the

Ontario Ministry of Tourism and

Culture encourages communities to

250, rue Main Est, Hawkesbury, ON Tél. : 613 632-9282 • Télec. : 613 632-0791

celebrate our heritage by organizing

local events.

* Notre clientèle est variée, tout comme ses résultats. †Voir les détails en magasin. Certaines conditions s’appliquent. © 2011 Herbal Magic. Tous droits réservés.


CLINIQUE DE VÉRIFICATION DU TAUX DE CHOLESTÉROL ET DE SUCRE CHOLESTEROL & BLOOD SUGAR MEASUREMENT CLINIC Lieu/Where : Pharmacie Lise St-Denis Pharmacy 400, avenue Spence Ave. Hawkesbury, Ontario 613 632-8839 Date : Mercredi 23 février - Wednesday, February 23, 2011 Heure/Time : 9 h à 13 h / 9:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. BIENVENUE À TOUTES ET À TOUS! • WELCOME ALL! FRAIS/FEE Test de cholestérol / Cholesterol test : $3 Glycémie / Blood sugar test : $2 Infirmière disponible sur les lieux pour consultation. Registered nurse available on site for additional information.


The 27th edition of the Hawkesbury

Industrial Hockey Tournament will be

held from March 4 to 6 at the Robert

Hartley Sports Complex.

The tournament is open to all

businesses and industries in Prescott-

Russell and the surrounding regions.

Teams will be playing in one of four

divisions: Pierre Lauzon (local

businesses); Luc Turpin (regional


and Denise Lauzon (women’s division).

To register, contact Luc Turpin at

613 632-9632; André Pilon at 613 632-

4552 (cell: 613 676-0189); or the

tournament president, Pierre Lauzon at

613 636-0378 (cell : 613 677-1095). Each

year, hundreds of hockey enthusiasts

come together at the sportsplex to play

for glory.

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